Questions tagged [nginfinitescroll]

ngInfiniteScroll is a directive that you can use to implement infinite scrolling in AngularJS applications.

ngInfiniteScroll is a directive that you can use to implement infinite scrolling in AngularJS applications.

100 questions
1 answer

ngInfiniteScroll "load next page" function being called repeatedly

Using the "loading remote data" example from the ngInfiniteScroll website I have tried to implement infinite scrolling. My issue; The function nextPage() gets called continuously until there are no more records left to load (controlled by an offset…
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1 answer

ng-infinite-scroll saying my controller's not a function, got undefined Okay, so I've loaded the ng-infinite-scroll.min.js When I load the module, that breaks it angular.module('myApp', ['infinite-scroll']); It tells me some controller is now undefined. Error: [ng:areq]…
UX Guy
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2 answers

Delay in in ngInfiniteScroll $http service

I am new in Angular world, I am using ngInfiniteScroll to load more data after every scroll. I implemented in and it's working fine.Currently it respond instantly, But I want a delay(1 second) on every scroll with loading image, I did Google but…
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nginfiniteScroll appears to block controller

If I comment out... infinite-scroll="content.loadContent() ... then my items bind correctly. If I leave it in then, even though loadContent is called when I scroll, no items are bound. div(ng-controller='contentController as content',…
Ian Warburton
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1 answer

ngInfiniteScroll Triggers On All Scroll Events

I am using ngInfiniteScroll to enable infinite scrolling on my website. In order to get it to work I have had to set the height of the outer div to a value as shown below. If I don't do this the Infinite Scroll feature is triggered
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ngInfiniteScroll Triggered Once Upon Page Loading

I am using ngInfiniteScroll on my webpage to allow for infinite scrolling. I have it working except for one thing. When the page initially loads, ngInfiniteScroll seems to get triggered and I don't know why. I attach ngInfiniteScroll to a link…
1 answer

Scrolling is very unstable in ngInfiniteScroll

I have an angular app with ng-infinite scroll. The problem are: when I am in the middle in the page the callback that loads new content is triggered. And when it gets triggered, it shifts when elements are added to the page and when the end is…
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1 answer

How to handle execution of javascript in infinite scroll?

I am using infinite scroll to load posts and tried to integrate a custom like button for every single posts that needs a small jquery script to work. My problem is I added this Jquery directly after the sucess in ajax load posts. But when I load eg…
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1 answer

The ng-repeat div disappears after the second page is loaded with ngInfiniteScroll

This Angular script gets content from an API and I implemented ngInfiniteScroll to avoid getting the whole content at once from the source. When the ngInfiniteScroll function fires to load the second page, you can see the content load for a fraction…
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2 answers

AngularJS infinite-scroll with nested objects

Can I use infinite-scroll with nested objects? Assuming we have 3 departments, and each department has 10 employees. Here is a sample code:
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