Questions tagged [nginfinitescroll]

ngInfiniteScroll is a directive that you can use to implement infinite scrolling in AngularJS applications.

ngInfiniteScroll is a directive that you can use to implement infinite scrolling in AngularJS applications.

100 questions
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ng-infinite-scroll-disabled paired with $scope.disabled

I've a problem to set the ng-infinite-scroll-disabled. The problem is that it doesn't work and when the user reaches the bottom of the page, the scroll isn't blocked, I can scroll more and multiple calls happen, instead of only one (because the…
1 answer

How to create grid list of infinitely scrollable data?

I am working on building a web page that will display a grid list of infinitely scrollable products. I have implemented the following markup to achieve this :
Sohan Shirodkar
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Angular ng infinite scroll flickering issue

I am using a ng infinite scroll in the page to display images. I have a search textfield, which makes the page flicker everytime i type something in search box. How i can disable this flickering effect. Thanks in Advance
Nayas Subramanian
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how prevents trigering of infiniteScroll on up scrolling

i implements nginfintescroll library by following this tutorial click here but the event triggered on both down and up scrolling. I want to disable the up scrolling events
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Angular "Show more" button on Infinite Scroll

I have been using my own solution for months. I developed it because I thought it is simple. But the code turned out to be quite clumsy and messy. So I gave up, but I can not found any good open source/community base module for that. I love this…
Ip ziet
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ngInfiniteScroll handler not firing with specific CSS & div structure

I've purchased an Angular template to build a web app and I'm struggling to get the scroll event handler to fire using ngInfiniteScroll v1.2.0 (NOTE: the handler does fire once if I set infinte-scoll-immediate-check to true) . I've reproduced the…
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AngularJS: Infinite Scroll in a container

I'm using ngInfiniteScroll in AngularJS for a specific container. Simple example html
2 answers

Angular JS ngInfiniteScroll with LimitTo

I'm using ngInfiniteScroll ng-module for my pagination. When i scroll down the page i'm appending 20 records to my data table. By doing that, i'm actually running a http request each time ("not good for performance). I've been doing some research…
2 answers

Infinite Scroll causes jump to top of screen on fast scrolling

I'm using the ng-infinite-scroll Angular directive on my site and it works well overall. However, while testing I noticed if I scroll quickly the page jumps back up toward the top. Below is my html and my scrolling function. I believe the issue lies…
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Height causes issue in div tag in ng Infinite Scroll

I am using NIS to make endless scrolling, I implemented and it works fine except one issue. Like I am using float: left to maintain the div tag. But after using float it sends multiple request at a time, but when I remove float:left it sends single…
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using ngInfiniteScroll on $resource?

I've looked at the examples of using ngInfiniteScroll over at the demo site ( but they all seem to be using the lower level $http service in order to build their scroll. The issue I have is…
Mr. BigglesWorth
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1 answer

Ngx Infinite scroll in angular si throwing error in my project

I am using Angular version 11.0.4. I am trying to implement the infinite scroll using npm package. I did every step from the documentation I'm getting the following error: Error:…
0 answers

ionic infinite scroll can't show information

I tried to use ionic infinite to load more item, doRefresh(event) { console.log('Begin async operation'); setTimeout(() => { this.nextpage() console.log("test"); }, 2000); } nextpage(){ …
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How can I get step by step data from api in redux/react by infinite scroll

I want to get 20 posts by scroll down each time how can i do? my project have big Data and I use redux for get data, can I get data step by step? for example get 20 posts for first time and when a user scroll down load the next 20 posts. I use React…
0 answers

ngInfiniteScroll for textarea

I am trying to bind a large string using ng-model in a textArea, but the rendering time is quite slow. So I decided to use ngInfiniteScroll to render a portion of my string, but turns out ngInfiniteScroll only works with "div" and not "td" and…
Manoj Majumdar
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