Questions tagged [netflix-eureka]

AWS Service registry for resilient mid-tier load balancing and failover.

1385 questions
3 answers

What's the difference between EnableEurekaClient and EnableDiscoveryClient?

In some applications, I saw people are using EnableEurekaClient. And some other example applications are using EnableDiscoveryClient. Is there any difference between these two?
YongJiang Zhang
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3 answers

Understanding Spring Cloud Eureka Server self preservation and renew threshold

I am new to developing microservices, although I have been researching about it for a while, reading both Spring's docs and Netflix's. I have started a simple project available on Github. It is basically a Eureka server (Archimedes) and three Eureka…
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5 answers

What is Eureka service, Eureka Client, Eureka instance and Eureka server

I'm learning spring cloud Netflix by reading this article, however I started to get confused by different terminology in this article, they are: Eureka service. To my understand it's an ordinary service (specifically a Microservice) that running on…
OD Street
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3 answers

Eureka never unregisters a service

I'm currently facing an issue where Eureka does not unregister a registered service. I've pulled the Eureka server example straight from git hub and made only one change, eureka.enableSelfPreservation = false. My application.yml looks like…
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2 answers

What is the role of Zookeeper vs Eureka for microservices?

I am going to implement the orchestration of a set of microservices in my application. Two widely using tools I found vs Apache Zookeeper and Netflix Eureka. Can anyone please give me a comparison based on fundamental differences, those two services…
5 answers

Eureka and Kubernetes

I am putting together a proof of concept to help identify gotchas using Spring Boot/Netflix OSS and Kubernetes together. This is also to prove out related technologies such as Prometheus and Graphana. I have a Eureka service setup which is starting…
1 answer

How to config multiple Eureka Servers from client in Spring Cloud

From the spring doc, I see we can have peer eureka server together, so for Eureka1, in application.yml, I can have: spring: profiles: peer1 eureka: instance: hostname: peer1 client: serviceUrl: defaultZone:…
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1 answer

Eureka Server: How to achieve high availability

I'm new to spring cloud. I've read this doc and it says the client application must specify a service url: eureka: client: serviceUrl: defaultZone: http://localhost:8761/eureka/ But what if localhost:8761 goes down?
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6 answers

How to write integration tests with spring-cloud-netflix and feign

I use Spring-Cloud-Netflix for communication between micro services. Let's say I have two services, Foo and Bar, and Foo consumes one of Bar's REST endpoints. I use an interface annotated with @FeignClient: @FeignClient public interface BarClient { …
Bastian Voigt
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4 answers

How to check two condition while using @ConditionalOnProperty or @ConditionalOnExpression

I need to check that two conditions are satisfied on a YAML property file, while creating a bean. How do I do that, as the @ConditionalOnProperty annotation supports only one property?
Zenith Kenneth
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7 answers

How to selectively disable Eureka discovery client with Spring?

Is there a way to disable spring-boot eureka client registration based on the spring profile? Currently I use the following annotations: @Configuration @EnableAutoConfiguration @EnableDiscoveryClient @EnableConfigServer public class…
zinc wombat
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3 answers

Can Zuul Edge Server be used without Eureka / Ribbon

We have an infrastructure with service discovery and load balancing (i.e. server side with STM and weblogic cluster). Now we are in the process of refactoring into micro-services. We would need an API gateway which does basic routing to other…
Fahim Farook
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1 answer

How to route in between microservices using Spring Cloud & Netflix OSS

During our development of microservices using Spring Cloud, we started out using Zuul as a proxy for any connection from the outside to microservices, and for any microservice needing to contact another microservice. After some time we made the…
2 answers

Use Eureka despite having random external port of docker containers

I am writing an application that is composed of a few spring boot based microservices with a zuul based reverse proxy in the front- It works when I start the services on my machine, but for server rollout I'd like to use docker for the services, but…
Patrick Cornelissen
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1 answer

Spring Cloud: Canary Deployments with Zuul

I am getting started with Spring Cloud using Eureka and Zuul and had some questions around structuring blue/green and Canary deployments. So far, I have the basics worked out and have Eureka, Zuul, and a config server working as expected. What I am…
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