Questions tagged [nestedlayout]

11 questions
2 answers

Collapsing layout during scrolling in Android

I would like to have custom view collapsed with a transition during scrolling. I have AppBarLayout with a Toolbar inside. Below that there is a custom view that I want to collapse. Below custom view there is a NestedScrollView with…
2 answers

Android nested layouts

I am new to android layouts, Could please tell me how the performance of application when using nested layouts instead of using layout below, layout above, layout right, layout left attributes of relative layout for components. For…
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Nested layout inside application layout

I have little problems with nested layouts. On my site I need to make one separate part of the site only for administrator. I have this in my application.html.erb file: <%= render 'layouts/header' %>
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3 answers

JavaSwing Layout Confusion/Difficullties

I'm still trying to figure out BorderLayout in JavaSwing, and it's really frustrating. I want to be able to split a pane into 3 contained sub-panels, but I'm not entirely sure how to contain it. Here is my class Game, which contains panels…
1 answer

How to use Nested Arraylist with recyclerView?

I wanted to populate a nested ArrayList. Below is the JSON response from the server. Now I want sectionName as the headerView and sectionItems as the Child view of that header. So That, this layout will look like categorized items. I have researched…
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Nested LinearLayout doesn't work in Android

I am trying to make layout like in the picture. Project picture I can only link it because I am new. When I run the code with just one LinearLayout it works fine. But when I make nested linear layout it shows an only white screen. And there are no…
0 answers

screenshot of specific layout that is nested in main layout

I want to take a screen shot of a layout that is nested (in between) main layout. I'm using following code: public static Bitmap captureScreen(View v) { Bitmap bitmap = null; try { if (v != null) { int…
2 answers

Is it okay to nest several relative layouts

I've created this layout and it uses several nested relative layouts, i've seen some posts saying relative layouts should be used instead nesting linear layouts. How about nesting relative layouts? What are the downsides to nesting layouts like…
2 answers

Android - Put two EditTexts in one line in vertical Linear Layout

I have a vertical Linear Layout with some elements, but at one position I want 2 EditTexts in 1 row. I did it with a horizontal Linear Layout in it, but Android Studio says that this is very bad for performance. Is there a way of doing this without…
2 answers

Java nested layouts

Hy, I'm trying to create a window with a layout like in this picture: layout My ide was to use panels and nest layouts something like that: layout2 Here is my code so far, but it is not working properly. How should I do that, what should I do…
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1 answer

advantages of using nested layouts in activity xml

What are the advantages of using nested layouts in android? Why not just use layouts without nesting? It is usually seen in 'compose message' activity layout. Coders use nested layouts to place the 'send' button in the bottom. Why not just as it is…
Ayushi Singh
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