Questions tagged [ndef]

The NFC Data Exchange Format (NDEF) specification is a common data format for NFC Forum Devices and NFC Forum Tags.

NDEF is a lightweight, binary message format used in NFC for data exchange.

463 questions
2 answers

Android application to mimic a physical RFID card

Is it possible for an Android application to send a previously stored RFID card ID to a NFC reader? The aim would be to use an Android device to enable access to a room instead of a physical RFID card. Having read a lot of other threads about…
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Creating an NDEF WiFi record using application/vnd.wfa.wsc in Android

As of Android 5.0.0 you can long tap on a WiFi connection and write that connection to a tag ("Write to NFC tag"). You can find the source for that operation here: The relevant line that takes a WiFi connection and…
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How to send a string using NFC from a windows phone 8 to an android device

haven't had any luck using google for this so I thought i'd ask. Does anyone have any experience / know how to send a simple string i.e "hello" from a Windows Phone 8 device to an Android Device? so far we have been able to do android -> android and…
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Android: card emulation - read ndef message with PN532 nfc module

I have an LG D320n Android phone, elechouse's PN532 nfc module and Stollmann's NFCPlayer with which I can read NFC tags properly. I tested a sample from here: It works fine, when I read one…
Uroš Podkrižnik
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1 answer

NFC with NFC-Tools, Creating NDEF Application

I am attempting to do what I would have guessed would be pretty simple, but as it turns out is not. I have an ACR122 NFC reader and a bunch of Mifare Classic and Mifare Ultralight tags, and all I want to do is read and write a mime-type and a short…
Brendon Dugan
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3 answers

Strange character on Android NDEF record payload

I just started coding with Android NFC, i've successfully read and write NDEF data into mifare classic tag. The problem is when app read the payload from ndef record, it always contain character '*en' at the beginning of the text. I think it is…
Lorensius W. L. T
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It is possible to read protected NFC tags in iOS?

News that in iOS 11 Apple now support reading NFC tags for iPhone 7/7 Plus and above. I found some demos but don't know if there is a way to read protected NFC tags. For example, travel documents have embedded NFC tags that are protected from unsafe…
Andrey M.
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1 answer

NDEF vs APDU NFC Android

Can you tell me please what is the difference between NDEF (NFC Data Exchange Format) and APDU (Application Protocol Data Unit). I have developed an Android application that reads NDEF messages, and I want to know if it can work for APDU data too.
Najoua Mahi
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1 answer

What does enableForegroundDispatch and disableForegroundDispatch do?

I read the documentation and I don't quite understand what either do. Considering Android made the puzzling decision that we now need to use Android Beam to send data from 1 one phone to another and there is no way to simultaneously send data from…
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0 answers

Writing NDEF message to NFC tag with ACR122

I'm really new to NFC technology and trying to get my head around it. I have a ACR122 and am trying to write a NDEF record to it. I am using VS2012 and so far have the pcsc-sharp library installed as well as a NDEFLibrary I got from somewhere. I…
Dean Harry
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2 answers

AAR Record in NFC: Where's The Payload?

According to this answer, and validated by testing, when you use Android Beam to push over an NFC message containing an AAR record, the receiving device will start the MAIN/LAUNCHER activity for the app specified in the AAR. That MAIN/LAUNCHER…
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1 answer

iOS11 Core NFC and ISO 14443

As I understand the iOS11 Core NFC, it only supports NDEF. Does this mean that it only supports ISO 15693 tags and does not support ISO 14443 (-3 or -4)? I know that you can send APDUs in NDEF but that's not ISO 7816. Please correct me if I am…
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2 answers

Get NFC tag with NDEF Android Application Record (AAR)

I am working on an NFC-application. To start my app, I am using a NDEF-tag with an AAR NDEF Record inside. This works fine. But now I want to read the tag content with the app directly. How can I do this? (It already works, when I remove the tag…
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1 answer

Android NFC writeNdefMessage throws IOException Tag is not ndef

I'm developing a NFC environment consisting of a tag (AS3953 chip + microcontroller) and a smartphone (Samsung Galaxy Fame runnung Android 4.1.2). While reading a NDEF message works I'm stuck on writing the message to the tag. I copied most of the…
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1 answer

Reading an NDEF message from an NFC tag from an Android application

I am trying to create an application using NFC and I just want to try and read an NFC tag and get the text message from the tag and place it into a TextView. I have code for it already, but nothing happens when I try to pair the phone with an NFC…
James Meade
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