Questions tagged [mysql-cluster]

MySQL NDB Cluster is a write-scalable, real-time, ACID-compliant transactional database, designed to deliver 99.999% availability.

MySQL Cluster is a write-scalable, real-time, ACID-compliant transactional database, designed to deliver 99.999% availability. With a distributed, multi-master architecture and no single point of failure, MySQL Cluster scales horizontally on commodity hardware with auto-sharding (partitioning) to serve read and write intensive workloads, accessed via SQL and NoSQL interfaces. ("Cluster" is an overloaded term; this topic is NDB Cluster.)

193 questions
1 answer

How to use nodeJS cluster with mySQL pool cluster?

Quick question If I make a node cluster application with 4 workers (4 instances of my application), should I use mySQL pool or mysql pool cluster? If I use pool it will create one pool for each application but If I use pool cluster it will create 4…
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Why is MySQL 'insert into ... select ...' so much slower than a select alone?

I'm trying to store a query result in a temporary table for further processing. create temporary table tmpTest ( a FLOAT, b FLOAT, c FLOAT ) engine = memory; insert into tmpTest ( select a,b,c from someTable where ... ); But…
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MySQL NDB API AccessViolationException

I am facing an interesting issue that happens only on Windows, while on Linux/Mono everything works fine. I have built a C++ wrapper around MySQL Cluster NDB API library that I call from C# code through P/Invoke. So far I have three methods: init()…
Miljen Mikic
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How to force mysql UPDATE query to use index? How to enable mysql engine to automatically use the index instead of forcing it?

Below is the update query/query plan that is not using the compound index that was created recently. The explain shows that its not using the compound index named radacctupdate which i think will make the update query faster. There are other…
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2 answers

MySQL Cluster ERROR 1296 (HY000): Got error 157 'Unknown error code' from NDBCLUSTER

Today my datacenter had a breaker fail which resulted in my servers losing power. I'm running a 4 node MySQL cluster. I restarted the cluster, first the management nodes, then the data nodes, then after the data nodes were running I started the SQL…
Jacob R
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NDB transaction CannotAcquireLockException Lock wait timeout exceeded

I'm using a MySQL NDB cluster with master-master architecture. My understanding is that if I search after some data non-id based this will hit all NDB nodes. If one node can't acquire the lock because the row is locked by another transaction and the…
2 answers

MySQL NDB Events - listening for changes to specific row

I'm using Events in the NDB API. I'm wondering if it is possible to listen for events based upon a particular row... For example: CREATE TABLE mytable( id int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, name varchar(40), …
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How to scale a web application

My basic question is: How to start building a web application that could grow fast? A little background: A customer of me is asking for an offer for a web application. I can not go into details but it's an e-commerce and crowd funding kind of thing.…
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Same node group when there are 2 datanodes and RF is 1 in mysql cluster

I followed this tutorial and it works fine. This is the what I get when I showed in ndb_mgm client. ndb_mgm> show Cluster Configuration --------------------- [ndbd(NDB)] 2 node(s) id=2 @ (mysql-5.6.11 ndb-7.3.2, Nodegroup: 0,…
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Mysql Cluster using Docker: Error 708 'No more attribute metadata records (increase MaxNoOfAttributes)'

I'm setting up a mysql cluster using Docker. I have 1 management node, 2 data nodes, and 2 sql nodes. When I create a database on one sql node, it gets replicated to the other sql node which is perfectly fine. The problem is when I import an sql…
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MySql InnO DB cluster node not rejoin automatically to the Cluster

I have implemented MySQL InnoDB cluster with 3 nodes.when I stop MySql service on one of the slave node, Cluster change the slave node status to Missing state. When I start Mysql service on stopped node Cluster not rejoin the node automatically.I…
1 answer

Like and '=' equals to operator performance in sql - mysql cluster

MySQL-Cluster-gpl-7.4.12-1.el6.x86_64 Query 1 select userinfo.username, userinfo.firstname, userinfo.lastname,, radcheck.attribute, radcheck.`value`, radusergroup.groupname,, …
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Got error 4239 'Trigger with given name already exists' from NDBCLUSTER

We are running a MySQL Cluster Version: mysql> SELECT VERSION(); +------------------------------+ | VERSION() | +------------------------------+ | 5.6.15-ndb-7.3.4-cluster-gpl | +------------------------------+ Trying to create a…
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Are the tables stored with MEMORY engine recoverable from cluster crash?

I have set up MySQL NDB Cluster 7.3.5 and the cluster was working fine. Cluster with 4 nodes : NodeA : SQLNode1, DataNode1 NodeB : SQLNode2, DataNode2 NodeC : Mgmt Node1 NodeD : Mgmt Node2 To test the server reboot scenario I rebooted VMWare…
Patel Parimal
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INITIAL_SIZE & AUTO_EXTEND in disk based mysql cluster

I'm trying to create a disk based table which is documented in this link. However, it's not clear choosing the size of INITIAL_SIZE field in LOG FILE GROUP and TABLESPACE. From the reading, I understand LOG FILE GROUP is necessary for…
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