Questions tagged [multiple-cursor]

13 questions
3 answers

IdeaVim, multi cursor usage

I'm trying to trigger (to use) the IdeaVim multi cursor plugin: -> multiple-cursors In the github docs we have commands: , , , g to trigger/use this plugin, but I'm not…
1 answer

VSCode Vim multiple cursors

I have looked everywhere and I am still unable to switch off this 'feature'! I've been using vi and, later, vim, since the 80's and I have never had need of multiple cursors, nor can I see a use for them. :s/search/replace/ does everything I…
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Multiple cursors in Android Studio automatically at every text that matches?

I have been using multiple cursors with ALT + SHIFT. Sometimes I need like 20 cursors and I want them at the start of the same portion of text. This is tedious to do every time. Is there a shortcut for this? Like imagine there are 20 instance of the…
2 answers

create multicursor in Atom

I use Atom on Ubuntu 17.10 with wayland window manager. I can create multiple cursors with CTRL+Mousclick or with CTRL+d to select the next same string. But how can I for example mark some lines and create a cursor at the start of each line? Also…
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Multiple-cursors in Emacs does not modify all the cursors

I have installed the multiple-cursors package but, I cannot manage to work properly. Only one cursor can be modified, the rest of the cursors do nothing. I have configured my .emacs file for the multi-cursors package as is shown below: (require…
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Block selection or multiple cursors in Texstudio?

The website of Texstudio advertises block selection or multiple cursor functionality, but I could not figure out which key combination to use for this feature reading their horribly cryptic user-manual. I am familiar with how text selection with…
Nanashi No Gombe
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VSCode Multiple Cursor Cut/Paste Behavior Changed

I am trying to copy/paste several lines of code, but it appears that the behavior for this has changed and I'm not sure how to correct this. When I select multiple words (cursor on each word). Copy. Place the same number of cursors somewhere else.…
1 answer

How to group or display paragraphs with same tag with Sublime Text?

I have a text like this in Sublime Text (usually a very huge text file): #tag3 Some notes here about this and that. #tag1 #tag2 Hello world, here is some text #tag4 Blah Blah #tag2 Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do…
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2 answers

Postgresql: Get content of cursors returned by function

A psql-function (sp_some_function) returns 2 cursors: create or replace function sp_some_function() RETURNS SETOF REFCURSOR as $BODY$ declare c_one refcursor := 'one' ; c_two refcursor …
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2 answers

Disable auto-pair when using multiple cursors in vim

I am using the vim plugins vim-multiple-cursors and auto-pairs. If I am editing a block of text for example: one two three four If I highlight the block with the command vip I " this will create two parenthesis in the front because…
code kid
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2 answers

In VSCode, how can I turn a multi-line comment into a paragraph with no line breaks?

What's an easy way to convert a multi-line comment (e.g. JSDoc with each line separated by line breaks) into a paragraph without any line breaks that I can copy into an email or another document? I know I can use search & replace with regular…
Justin Grant
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Postgres , handling multiple cursors for one query results

How can i use two cursor , one based on the output of the other ? basically what i'm trying to get is replace all the status that equal 'S' with the previous values of status. Cursor day_to_process: is listing all the date where the status equal…
1 answer

Postgresql: how to get names of cursors returned by function?

I need to test a psql-function (sp_create_refcursors), which returns 3 cursors. Specifically, I need to see what data each of the 3 cursors "contains". The following script contains the boilerplate-code to perform the test: DO $$ …
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