Questions tagged [multikey]

73 questions
1 answer

How to use/create boost::multi_index?

Can someone explain to me in detail how to create a multi index map using boost::multi_index? I saw many examples online and also the boost page, but I could not understand it. I would want to map class object pointer by multiple int/longs as keys.…
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9 answers

Map with multiple keys

I am trying to implement a map like Map<, List> Map should contain 2 keys and corresponding value would be a list. I want to add records in same list if alteast one key value is equal For example consider following records …
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How to iterate over MultiKeyMap?

I'm using the MultiKeyMap from the commons-collections which provide multikey-value pairs. I have 3 keys which are Strings. I have two problems which I don't see how to solve. How can I iterate over all multikey-value pairs? With a simple HashMap I…
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How do MongoDB multi-keys sort?

In MongoDB, a field can have multiple values (an array of values). Each of them is indexed, so you can filter on any of the values. But can you also "order by" a field with multiple values and what is the result? Update: >…
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Python dict like surjective multiple key → value container

I'm currently in the need for a Python container class with similar functionality like the builtin dict type. Basically what I need is a dictionary, where an arbitrary number of keys beside a primary key, which map to the very same value. However…
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Why multiKey indexes blocks indexOnly queries in MongoDB?

I am trying to use only the index while reading data from a collection in MongoDB, because I have some big documents, while for this query I need only one field. It turns out that I cannot have indexOnly = true if the index is a multiKey index. Here…
Slavcho Ivanov
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Android SparseArray> initialization

I have to implement the classification of somehting like Hashmap with two keys and a value, let's say Hashmap, where the two keys are integers and the value is a generic MyObject defined by me. I read this, this, and this post, and I also…
The Good Giant
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6 answers

Dictionary with multiple keys and multiple values for each key

Hi all I am having a requirement where I have to assign multiple keys and for that multiple keys I have to assign multiple values My requirement is as follows. I am having EmpID, PayYr and PayID for each employee. Assume I get my data as…
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Optimizing for exact array matching over MongoDB collection

I have a collection where I only ever need to look up documents by whole arrays; I can’t think of any scenario where I’d want to look up documents by just one value of that array. Unfortunately, the multikey feature that is always activated for…
Denis Drescher
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MVC5 Details/Edit/Delete with Multi-Key Table

Pretty new to MVC5 but gaining ground quickly. This small issue has me stumped and there does not seem to be much information on Goolge (or I am not asking Google the right questions). I have a Table (FILE_RCPTS_LOG) This table has multi keys…
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Multi-Keys Hash or Dictionary, a list of values as output

I am new to C# and need to have a general list with multiple keys. I have three parameter which creates the key of my data. For each record (each three key) I have a set of values. I need to have a generic list which the value of each node in the…
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Multikey indexing in rails mongoid

I want to store data in this format. { "_id": ObjectId(...) "title": "Grocery Quality" "comments": [ { author_id: ObjectId(...) date: Date(...) text: "Please expand the cheddar selection." }, { author_id: ObjectId(...) …
2 answers

How to build multiple integer key index (fast look up object) for using between operator (val >= & val <=)

Ok let me explain clearly what i want to achieve It will be an object which will contain the below data - like an sql server table BigInt parameter1 BigInt parameter2 string parameter3 these parameter1 and parameter2 both will compose the index…
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MongoDB Tags Key Indexing

Going over some of the tutorials I have found MongoDB: get documents by tags, it seems that most tags are created as list of items. In my schema I want dynamic tags (key-value pairs), so every item in the collection has a tags field like the…
Anil Vaitla
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Accessing Multikey Map in Struts2

Does Struts2 support Multikey Map? If so, can I access it like, Thanks
Rajkumar Palani
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