Questions tagged [ms-jet-ace]

Office Access Connectivity Engine (ACE) is a new version of the Jet database engine and is available in Microsoft Access 2007 and later.

Excerpt from Wikipedia (2014-07-25):

With version 2007 onwards, Access includes an Office-specific version of Jet, initially called the Office Access Connectivity Engine (ACE), but which is now called the Access Database Engine. This engine was fully backward-compatible with previous versions of the Jet engine, so it read and wrote (.mdb) files from earlier Access versions. It introduced a new default file format, (.accdb), that brought several improvements to Access, including complex data types such as multivalue fields, the attachment data type and history tracking in memo fields.

124 questions
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Most reliable solution to determine whether to use ACE or OLEDB in connection string?

I'm handed a path of an access 2000(/2003 (edit)), or access 2007 database: C:\database.mdb or C:\database.accdb I have to determine a suitable connection string, using either ACE or JET, to connect to the database. I was wondering whether…
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Select query truncates numeric data greater than 10 digits

I am trying to find a solution to this for few days without any success. Would really appreciate any help I am trying to import a csv file into an Access database but some data from a numeric column gets truncated. I do not have MS Access installed…
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ADO Library References and Forward Compatibility

I'm looking to add some Access database functionality in a customer's Excel workbook app. Okay Excel & VBA aren't my first choice, but that is what we're working with. Normally I use ADO through ADO.NET, so we always know the version because we've…
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connecting to a read-only Access db from Excel VBA

I have been a long-time visitor to stackoverflow, but this is my first question. I'm trying to query an Access 2010 database in a folder to which the user has only read-only access. strDBPath = Set myConn = New…
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4 answers

Does a command-line client exist for Microsoft Jet database engine?

Is there such a thing as a shell-based command-line client for Microsoft's Jet database engine? Something similar to SQLite 3.x (sqlite3.exe) for SQLite.
Christopher Mahan
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1 answer

Max and Min Time query

how to show max time in first row and min time in second row for access using vb6
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How to insert a new Row in Excel sheet using Microsoft.Ace.Oledb in VS 2012 using c#

I'm doing the following to insert a row in an excel sheet using Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB as a provider in c# code: 1- I have the following connection string: string connectionString = String.Format(@"Provider=Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0;Data…
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1 answer

How can you convert an ACCDB to an MDB programmatically?

Is there a way to programmatically convert an Access 2010 ACCDB file to an Access 95/97 MDB file?
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5 answers

opening an mdb access file without access

i dont have microsoft access but would like to open an mdb file, is there any way to do this? the mdb file contains SQL code that i need. it is just a file that connects to a remote database. i need to view the sql code i did try openoffice base,…
Alex Gordon
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3 answers

Using math functions in Sql with MS Access

I designed a query in SQL View using MS Access: select floor(num1) from t1; When I run it, I get "undefined function floor". I get similar errors for Ceil, Mod,Power, Sign, Sqrt, Trunc, and initcap functions. Does the Access database engine's SQL…
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select into using union

I need to using both "union" and "into" in a query. These two versions works ok SELECT x.* INTO NewTABLE FROM (SELECT * FROM TABLE1 UNION SELECT * FROM TABLE2) x Or SELECT x.* INTO NewTABLE FROM (SELECT val1, val2 FROM TABLE1 UNION SELECT…
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2 answers

SQL Escape for access database from C#

Which characters need to be escaped before being inserted into a JET Engine data table? I'm currently just replacing the ' character for this '' (this are two ' characters, not a " character) and it works just fine (I'm quoting the string with the '…
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1 answer

Create Table with a Hyphen in the Name Using Excel ACE OLEDB Connection

Has anyone successfully used a CREATE TABLE statement on an ACE OLEDB connection to an Excel 2007 workbook where the table has a hyphen in the name? What I have at the moment is something like using(OleDbConnection c = new OleDbConnection()) { …
2 answers

Connecting to an Access DB using Jet

I am trying to connect to an Access database with Jet in Visual Studio 2008, like so - dbProvider = "PROVIDER = Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;" Then finding my source file to read from and opening and closing it - con.Open() con.Close() But, I get an…
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1 answer

Excel VBA SQL error, Connection failed

I get the following error when I try to run an internal sql query in my Excel spreadsheet. Error 2147467259 - Method of 'Execute' object' _Connection' failed. Also when I run the code with breakpoints, I can get an automation error. I am…
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