Questions tagged [mpmoviewcontroller]

A movie player (of type MPMoviePlayerController) manages the playback of a movie from a file or a network stream.

A movie player (of type MPMoviePlayerController) manages the playback of a movie from a file or a network stream.Playback occurs in a view owned by the movie player and takes place either fullscreen or inline. You can incorporate a movie player’s view into a view hierarchy owned by your app, or use an MPMoviePlayerViewController object to manage the presentation for you.

By the way the tag should be 'mpmoviecontroller' without that extra 'w'. I have no privileges to edit it or create a synonym. Can some one with the privilege correct it.

58 questions
1 answer

MPMoviePlayerController play/pause toggle issue

I have used MPMoviePlayerController in my application to play selected video. There is also facility to start video from different location like from 10 min, 20 min, 40 min etc. Problem in iOS 7: The problem is when video is played I am able to…
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play two video in iPhone simultaneously

I want to play two video in iPhone simultaneously. There are two way to play video in iphone, One is use AVQueuePlayer. but in this controller I don't get how get the video playing is completed and how to restart video again. Another way is…
Crazy Developer
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Dismiss MPMoviePlayerViewController on play error

I have a problem with the MPMoviePlayerViewController: If the controller can't find the movie at the specified URL it displays a white screen and I can't make it go close. This is how I start the movie player: - (void) playVideo:(NSString*)path { …
Andrei Stanescu
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Printing the content of a UIView in a UIImage works in simulator but not device

I've been writing an IOS application, and I wish to create an exact copy of a video player, and display this double just below. The user would not be able to interact with that double since it's just a reflection. For that, I successfully displayed…
0 answers

Initial video stream play slow (MPMoviePlayerViewController) in ios app

In our ios app users can upload and play videos. We are using AWS S3 bucket for store the videos. AWS Cloudfront is the CDN. all the videos will be accessing through the CDN URL. example : as…
2 answers

Rotate Landscape to Portrait in MPMoviePlayerViewController in ios6 and ios7

In my project i press done button in video player then player dismiss but view stay in landscape mode. but i want all view in my apps in portrait . Only video player move both side landscape or Portrait. I try This link but this not work for me .…
Ilesh P
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MPMoviePlayerController scaling mode issues after exit full screen

i am just playing a video by using code is -(void)playMovie:(NSURL *)url { moviePlayer = [[MPMoviePlayerController alloc] initWithContentURL:url]; if (IDIOM==IPAD) { [moviePlayer.view…
3 answers

MPMoviePlayerController not closing on iOS5.0

I start a MPMoviePlayerController in fullscreen mode, and then close it with the default buttons. It works like a charm on iOS4.3 but leaves a black screen on iOS5.0 :( Am I doing something wrong? here is my code: To show the player: -…
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MPMoviePlayer progress bar disappearing

Using MPMoviePlayerController, if I make a fullscreen video with ControlStyleFullscreen, then I close it, then I instantiate a new one, the progress bar is gone from the controls in iOS 8 in the second one. This happens 100% of the time. Has anyone…
2 answers

iOS7 viewController and MPMoviePlayerViewController Rotation

I try a lot of things, but I still can't rotate only 1 viewControllor in all my app. I would like to show (or to rotate) in landscape only a vc with a MPMoviePlayerViewController. Like the videos in Facebook app. The app is only in portrait but…
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custom view on iphone's native media player(MPMoviePlayerController)

I am building an application that implements a custom view on iPhone’s native media player. I want your help in deciding directions to lay this effort. At present I have find out that iPhone SDK doesn’t support APIs to customize media player. I…
1 answer

How Can I Implement Custom Previous/Next Buttons Over MPMovieplayer?

I have implemented a listing of videos in a UITableView. When I touch on a particular video then the video plays in an MPMovieplayer. Now, I want to make it so that if I touch on a next button, then the next video in the UITableView will play. How…
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How to add a title over MPMovieplayerViewController and hide it on tap

I need to add a title over the top toolbar in MPMoviePlayerViewController, and if am playing a video, a user tap should hide the title just like it hide any other controls. Currently I am adding a UILabel as a subview of moviePlayer view. Though…
1 answer

playableDuration returns 0 in iOS5

Has anyone else noticed that playableDuration property of MPMoviePlayerController class always returns 0 in iOS 5. This used to work fine in previous versions of iOS. I use it to set the value of a progress bar. Here is piece of code that used to…
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want to hide progressbar which comes on top in navigation bar of MPMoviePlayerController

Is there any way to hide progress bar which comes on top in navigation bar of MPMoviePlayerController? I want to hide because I do not want user to forward/backward the video. However, User can exit it by clicking on DONE button.
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