Questions tagged [movilizer]

A development platform for enterprise mobile applications

Movilizer is a development platform for building, deploying and running enterprise mobile applications.

For more information, visit the official website

62 questions
1 answer

Movilizer - Using MovilizerJS with Ionic

I'm trying to use MovilizerJS with the Ionic Framework to create a HTML5 screen. I try to reference te MovilizerJS from within the App.js files generated by Ionic. I added the MovilizerJS files in the plugins folder and added the Cordova.js file…
1 answer

Movilizer - Menu Item in a Complex UI Navigation not working properly?

I'm trying to create a Complex UI consisting of a Menu Item screen (type="6") at the top and a Text Input Screen (type="5") below. I want the Menu Item Screen to go to another screen than the Text Item Screen, though I have to put the Text Item…
Mike Limburg
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1 answer

Movilizer - Trigger sync on movelet end

A partner is asking me if the following code is OK, since it is not triggering the forced synchronization upon pressing OK. I am not able to identify the issue. He tested on iOS and Swing.
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1 answer

Movilizer - getQuestionClientKey() only working when text is declared?

Given the following code: x
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Movilizer - Erase masterdata pool, is this possible?

I know I can delete all the keys from a masterdata pool. But is it possible to remove the pool itself forever?
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Movilizer - queryMasterdata use of like

I have a mastedata entry like the following:
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Movilizer - Masterdata pool id as integer across participant/devices

A masterdata descriptor like this one: $masterdata:"pool_name" is converted in the Movilizer client to an integer number like 113. We are building a logic that sends back to the backend the poolid (113) and the key modified (key="key1") in a…
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1 answer

Movilizer - Eclipse doesn't find class 'OutlineLabelProvider'

I installed the movilizer plug-in, but whenever I try to make a movelet, I get the same error: Could not initialize class com.movilizer.eclipse.editor.outline.OutlineLabelProvider Thread=Thread[ModalContext,6,main] at…
T. Lamin
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1 answer

How to disable synchronization of replies in a movelet

is it possible to design a Movelet in a way that it does not send reply data when synchronizing? If so, how? We want to use data containers instead and the replies are only creating traffic. Thanks and regards
André Schäfer
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3 answers

I am having troubles installing the Movilizer eclipse plugin

While installing the Movilizer eclipse plugin as described here I am constantly getting the following error: The Movilizer Eclipse Plug-in is a feature, which was developed to speed up the development process of Movilizer Requests and Movelets when…
Pavel Kotlov
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1 answer

Movilizer - Masterdata references deleted when deleting key?

Within the Movilizer Product context. We have a big masterdata customer pool divided in groups G1, G2, G3... The keys are referenced between the groups key1 is in G2 and G3 for example. If I delete "key1" (masterdatadelete). Will it be deleted from…
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1 answer

How to Enable only month and year in Movilizer Calendar screen?

How can we select only month and Year(I don't want to select date) in Movilizer Calendar screen. Here i want to select only month and year from calendar screen. Please let me know if any information. Thanks, Krish
1 answer

Movilizer: Sorting Data Container without changing Array keys

I have a data container, with 9 values in it. The order I want in my data container when it arrives is as follows: u517775 2017-08-11 - 09:44:00
T. Lamin
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1 answer

Movilizer: Can I show numeric keyboard automatically and bypass the ok button?

I am working with Movilizer v15 in eclipse neon. Currently, I am making a quiz, where people need to answer a number of questions with numeric values. But every question now consists of clicking on the answer (attributeType="2") to open the numeric…
T. Lamin
  • 45
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1 answer

Embeding Movilizer Client In My Application

I have created a Mobile application in Movilizer. I have three to four movelets in it. Now I want to embed the Movilizer client in my program and deploy it in Google play store so that anyone downloading from there would get the client along with it…
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