Questions tagged [mounted-volumes]

95 questions
3 answers

Orphaned Docker mounted host volumes?

I just inspected my /var/lib/docker/volumes folder and discovered that is bursting with folders named as Docker UUIDs each of which contain a config.json file with contents along the lines…
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Changing default file owner and group owner of kubernetes secrets files mounted on projected volumes

I am new to K8S. I have a yaml file which generates kubernetes secrets mounted on projected volumes. Upon execution, I found that the secret files (packaged with secrets) are showing "root" as file owner and group owner. I want to change the file…
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Get mounted volumes list with Swift?

Does anyone know how to get a list of all removable volumes mounted with Swift? I've already tried this, but it return a list of all files and subfolders of external drivers: let filemanager:NSFileManager = NSFileManager() let files =…
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Docker Desktop 2.2+ incredibly slow performance with host volume mounts

I've got a build which is quite intensive in terms of file io. It involves 70k loose files as well as a fair amount of zipping/unzipping. The performance of this build plummets when run inside of a Docker Desktop 2.2+ container using host volume…
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Docker bind mount volumes do not propagate changes events watched by angular `ng serve` execution

Following these steps: Define the Dockerfile: FROM node:alpine RUN yarn global add @angular/cli RUN yarn global add node-sass RUN mkdir /volumes WORKDIR /volumes EXPOSE 4200 ENTRYPOINT ["ng"] Build an image from this Dockerfile: docker build…
Hadrien TOMA
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Windows Docker mongo container doesn't work with volume mount

I have the following docker command docker run -v //c/data:/data/db mongo and I get the following error response from docker / mongo MongoDB starting : pid=1 port=27017 dbpath=/data/db 64-bit host=8706cbf1b78f db version v3.4.2 git version:…
Logan Murphy
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Docker volume mount issue to a mounted folder

We have mounted a folder in a Linux machine to our docker container application using (docker-compose) volumes: - /mnt/share:/mnt/share The /mnt/share is a mounted folder in the machine(Not a real folder in the machine, its our file server). IF for…
Bijesh CHandran
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unable to understand mounting postgres data path onto minikube kubernetes deployment with permission errors

I’m getting started with kubernetes, and I want to create a simple app with a single webserver & postgres database. The problem I’m running into is the deployment of the postgres is giving me permission errors. The following are discussions around…
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Mount local folder as volume using Swift

I'm looking for a way to mount a Local folder as a Volume in OSX. Searching so far hasn't got any results. I want to do this programatically via Swift. For instance, I want to mount /Users/shoaib/Test to /Volumes/MyVolume which can be accessed via…
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mariadb as docker container - corrupted startup on host mount binding

i want to run latest mariadb:10.4.8 as docker container with its data folder persisted as host mount. This is my docker-compose.yaml database: mem_limit: 1073741824 image: mariadb:stable environment: MYSQL_DATABASE: mydata MYSQL_PASSWORD:…
1 answer

Kubernetes: MountVolume.SetUp failed: hostPath type check failed is not a directory

I'm trying to deploy a login consent provider with hydra. Here is the yaml file. --- apiVersion: apps/v1 kind: Deployment metadata: name: login-consent-deployment labels: app: login-consent-nginx spec: replicas: 1 selector: …
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Can't mount EBS volumes (shown as NVME) in c5 AWS EC2 instance

People seem to have alot of issues with the newer instance type NVME volumes because of name mappings. That I can handle. For me, the issue is simple and worse: mounting doesn't have an effect: ubuntu@ip-10-0-0-60:~$ lsblk NAME MAJ:MIN RM…
1 answer

Relative path in Docker container/volume for python script

I am new to Docker but have had success in Dokcerizing some existing python code using the docker toolbox for windows 10. Currently i have this setup: picture of working python code in Docker container This is done with the Dockerfile: FROM…
0 answers

How to create named volumes in podman's kube files?

I am running a mariadb pod by playing a kube file in Podman. Instead of using the fixed hostPath, I would like to use the named volume. However, this requires that the named volume has already been created. Is there a way to create a named volume…
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How to mount a folder in a machine to a docker container in another machine?

I have a running docker container that uses volume mounting and NFS to store data in another machine. Now I want to map this volume to a new folder in the filesystem of a new machine. shall I do bind mounting in the container to the new VM location…
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