Questions tagged [montage]

The technique of selecting, editing, and piecing together separate sections of film to form a continuous whole.

The technique of selecting, editing, and piecing together separate sections of film to form a continuous whole.

56 questions
4 answers

Using ImageMagick to repeat or "tile" an image

How do I tile an image using ImageMagick? I don't think I can use montage because I want the columns displaced by 50% of the original image height. It's probably easier to show an example of what I'm trying to do: Start with: End with: Thanks!
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How to improve image output from montage in ImageMagick?

I joined images using montage, but the resolution of the image output is less than that of the image's input. My image's input have dimensions of 640x480 each But the output that I get was 256x378 I was searching in the web and couldn't find a…
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How can I make a montage with ImageMagick from images with different size and aspect ratio?

I have a lot of images, different sizes and aspect ratios. Is it possible to make a montage of them? I mean to optimally arrange them in rows after I set a common height for the images which build up a common row. Images aspect ratios aren't allowed…
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How can I tile videos/create a video montage?

I have four videos that I would like to tile in a 2x2 fashion to make a new video. Is there a way I can do this easily, preferably free and under Linux? I am willing to program a moderate amount, perhaps in order to interact with some library, but…
A. Rex
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Imagick PHP Extension -- Montage help?

I've been having some trouble generating an image with the Imagick PHP extension. Everything works fine, except my following "montage" has a white background and therefore I cannot overlay it on top of something else. How can I generate a montage…
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ImageMagick, Bash script to label with comment and image sequence number

I would like to have a set contact sheets for 70 photos. And, each photo would have similar to this label: n Comment where n indicates the image number. My Bash script correctly shows the comment. For the image sequence number I am…
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ImageMagick and Piping

I have the following commands that create a sprite containing a normal state and a hover state: convert -background none -pointsize 11 -fill white -size 100x -gravity NorthWest caption:'Test' top.png convert -background none -pointsize 11 -fill grey…
Jim Neath
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2 answers

How can I plot a montage in Python MNE using a specified set of EEG channels?

I've loaded some EEG data using Python's MNE package. The data has 46 recording channels obtained from a 10-20 montage, but we've identified numerous dead channels and only want to focus on the remaining ones. I'm able to remove the channels, but I…
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Montage or Collage with GD Library

I'm trying to create a table of thumbnails for example 100 thumbnails 10x10 with GD Library. I saw that imagemagick has a montage function that would probably be useful but I'm wondering if GD library can do this as well. I thought I could maybe do…
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1 answer

How to put text on top of image (above)?

I have came up with this: montage -background Orange -label "Faerie Dragon" -gravity South test.png -geometry "100%" -font TREBUC.ttf -pointsize 25 out.png It adds text "Fearie Dragon" with font Trebuchet in size 25 on orange background below the…
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0 answers

Montage-wrapper: How to use montage to produce an all Sky map

I'm currently attempting to use astropy's montage-wrapper module, and I'm attempting to re-create the ROSAT all-sky Survey image (found at the tope of the page here: enter link description here) I have all of the maps listed (I'm ignoring the…
1 answer

How can I create an ImageMagick montage without empty space?

I am creating a large number of montages using a set of images. The way I want the montages arranged is with three images across the top and two images across the bottom. The command I have right now is as follows: montage logo.png…
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2 answers

Save montage as image matlab

I have 225 image with put together with the montage function in matlab. And I can show them with montage. But i cannot save the montage as a complete image, please help me. path = uigetdir; D=dir(fullfile(path,'*.tif')); imcell =…
1 answer

Save Montage to Blob with Magick++

I have a montage, and I can save it to disk when specified the destination path.However when I try to save it to a Blob it fails. Am I missing some settings? Version: ImageMagick 6.8.2-5 2013-02-05 Q8 Machine: Windows 7 x64 EDIT: The…
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1 answer

How to append a same image to multiple images using imagemagick

Hello I want to add a same image to the left side of multiple images. First image is a legend and it common for all the 6 images which I later want to montage 3x2. I tried this command below before montaging and it did not work. I wanted to see if I…
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