Questions tagged [mlab]

MongoLab (Rebranded as mLab) is a fully-managed MongoDB Database-as-a-Service (DBaaS) platform that automates the operational aspects of running MongoDB in the cloud.

MongoLab is a fully-managed cloud database service featuring highly-available MongoDB databases, automated backups, web-based tools, 24/7 monitoring, and expert support. By hosting MongoDB on MongoLab’s Database-as-a-Service (DBaaS) platform, developers and IT professionals are free to focus their attention on product development instead of operations.

MongoLab runs on all the major cloud platforms, including Amazon, Joyent, Rackspace and Windows Azure, and has partnered with all of the major Platform-as-a-Service (PaaS) providers to enable seamless integration with the application tier.

Headquartered in San Francisco, MongoLab is backed by premier venture and angel investors including Foundry Group, Baseline Ventures, GRP Partners, Freestyle Capital, and David Cohen of TechStars.

Learn more at

865 questions
23 answers

Why is PyMongo 3 giving ServerSelectionTimeoutError?

I'm using: Python 3.4.2 PyMongo 3.0.2 mongolab running mongod 2.6.9 uWSGI 2.0.10 CherryPy 3.7.0 nginx 1.6.2 uWSGI start params: --socket --daemonize --enable-threads --threads 2 --processes 2 I setup my MongoClient ONE…
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10 answers

Unable to connect to mongolab, Getting MongoError: auth failed

I have recently created an account in mongoLab.When I am trying to connect to the database using the below statement. var mongoose = require('mongoose'); mongoose.connect('mongodb://'); I'm always getting…
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6 answers

Does mongoDB have reconnect issues or am i doing it wrong?

I'm using nodejs and a mongoDB - and I'm having some connection issues. Well, actually "wake" issues! It connects perfectly well - is super fast and I'm generally happy with the results. My problem: If i don't use the connection for a while (i say…
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9 answers

Connecting to MongoDB database on mLab fails authentication

I have a Parse app, and I'm trying to migrate my app's database to a MongoDB instance on mLab. I already have a fork of Parse Server set up on Heroku, and I'm using Heroku's mLab MongoDB add-on. I have a database on mLab called heroku_1ksph3jj, and…
Adam Colvin
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10 answers

A timeout occured after 30000ms selecting a server using CompositeServerSelector

I try to deploy my Mongo database in Mongolabs, everything works fine, and I create a new database. Please see my connectionstring. public DbHelper() { MongoClientSettings settings = new MongoClientSettings() { …
Ragesh S
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6 answers

How to connect MongoDB Compass using MLab connection string

I have database hosted on MLab and I am trying to connect it with Compass. I am using host and port given in connection string but it is showing error, here is my screenshot: What am I doing wrong?
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4 answers

Unable to connect to MongoLab "auth fails" error

I am new to mongo. Recently created an account in mongoLab. I am trying to connect to the database using the below statement. mongo -u -p Getting the below error MongoDB shell version:…
Hannan Shaik
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6 answers

heroku is giving me Method not allowed

Okay, so I've been on this problem for hours now with no idea how to solve this since I'm just a newbie. I was following a UDEMY course titled WEBDEVBOOTCAMP by Colt Steele. On the deployment section, every time I deploy using Heroku, this gives me…
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4 answers

MongoDB: how to find 10 random document in a collection of 100?

Is MongoDB capable of funding number of random documents without making multiple queries? e.g. I implemented on the JS side after loading all the document in the collection, which is wasteful - hence just wanted to check if this can be done better…
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3 answers

Unable to connect to mongolab host

I am trying to connect to mongolab from terminal via below command mongo -u -p I am getting the below error. MongoDB shell version: 2.6.3 connecting to:…
Hannan Shaik
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3 answers

Mongolab nodejs topology destroyed

I have been interfacing with twitter using nodejs. I'm trying to log some important public user data in a mongolab mongodb database. For some reason I keep getting a "topology destroyed error" I'm not quite sure why this is. var Twitter =…
Aidan Collins
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2 answers

connecting to remote mongo server results in exception connect failed

Running this command in the mongodb installation file from ./mongo -u user -p password I changed Database, user, and password for anonymity. results in this Error: couldn't connect to server…
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5 answers

JObject.ToBsonDocument dropping values

I'm inserting raw JSON into a collection and finding that what is stored in the database is missing the values. For example, my collection is a collection of BsonDocuments: _products = database.GetCollection("products"); The code to…
Rick Rainey
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3 answers

how to solve this transaction error in mlab? [MongoError: Transaction numbers are ... support document-level locking]

I'm trying to do a simple transaction using mongoose. It worked totally fine on MongoDB Atlas, but in mlab I got such an error: MongoError: Transaction numbers are only allowed on storage engines that support document-level locking. I did some…
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7 answers

MongoError: getaddrinfo ENOTFOUND undefined undefined:27017

So I'm working my way though the Getting Mean book from Manning and following the steps in Chapter 5 I'm trying to use a db on Mongolab as an add-on to Heroku. When I run this code (both locally and on Heroku) it returns this error: MongoError:…
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