Questions tagged [mixpanel]

Mixpanel is an analytics platform for tracking events on mobile and the web.

Mixpanel is an analytics platform that allows you to track events from your mobile app, web app, or anywhere else. You can then see trends, segment your data, do funnel analysis, cohort analysis, etc. You can also track users of your app and automatically send them notifications.

498 questions
2 answers

Mixpanel error: "mixpanel" object not initialized

I am getting the below error. I am using Angular - I have not imported a mix panel library - if I do a search I cannot find this. Why am I getting this error/how can get rid of it? Mixpanel error: "mixpanel" object not initialized. Ensure you are …
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3 answers

asynchronous http request in ruby

require 'net/http' urls = [ {'link' => ''}, {'link' => ''}, {'link' => ''} ] urls.each do |u| u['content'] = Net::HTTP.get( URI.parse(u['link']) ) end print urls This…
Mohit Jain
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7 answers

mixpanel-2-latest.min.js:9 Mixpanel error: "mixpanel" object not initialized

mixpanel-2-latest.min.js:9 Mixpanel error: "mixpanel" object not initialized. Ensure you are using the latest version of the Mixpanel JS Library along with the snippet we provide. From the last couple of days, I am seeing this error in the console…
Rahul Goenka
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3 answers

Mixpanel anonymous user converts to identified user tracking

I'm adding Mixpanel to my web application and I'm curious about the "process" around what happens when a user transitions from "anonymous" (not logged in/registered) to "identified" (when they register / create an account on the site). If a user…
Jim Rubenstein
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4 answers

What should I do when users log out?

I am setting Mixpanel up, and I found out that if I log in with a user (and identify that user), log out and then re-register as a new user, the new user's details overwrite the previously logged in user (presumably when I call alias). How can I…
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1 answer

Mixpanel People Profile Avatar Image

I've searched the interwebs for a solution to this, but to no avail. Is it possible to set our user's profile picture as the profile picture in Mixpanel's people report? I've tried calling our user picture object in the method where we declare…
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2 answers

Mixpanel: What's the difference bewteen identify() and people.identify()?

Mixpanel documentation lists two Javascript API's: Integration API and People Analytics. Both have an identify() method to identify users: mixpanel.idenfity(...) mixpanel.people.identify(...) How are they different?
Wolfram Arnold
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3 answers

Identify Mixpanel user actions that occured before login

I’m having an issue with Mixpanel identification. I want to be able to track events logged before the user logs in and identify them as such. Here’s an exemple. Louie opens the webpage and visits the “About” page. Using mixpanel.track('Visit…
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1 answer

Mixpanel People Analytics User Profile Avatar

I've searched trough the API documentation but I cant find a property to set the User Profile avatar/thumbnail when using People Analytics. Is it possible? I am using Facebook Graph API to get it and i wanted to save it to the user profile in…
Joel Azevedo
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4 answers

Mixpanel - Bulk delete old users

I am about to go into the next plan in mixpanel for having too many people and would like to delete some old users first. Is there a simple way/script/api to bulk delete old users?
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6 answers

How can I use mixpanel API?

I'm not able to connect to mixpanel. I have tried with a correct api_key and api_secret, like this: