Questions tagged [minecraft-forge]

Minecraft Forge is an unofficial API for extending Minecraft. It is built upon the Minecraft Coder Pack (MCP) and is usually updated to the latest version upon release. It is built upon java and has its own initialization system.

Minecraft Forge is an application library for .

This library is used to compile and play modifications (mods) to Minecraft.

Minecraft Forge works by doing live ASM modifications to the Minecraft classes and injecting its own event busses into the Minecraft classes without permanently changing the original Minecraft classes.

There are different aspects to Minecraft forge. There is the Forge client/server and Forge Mod Loader (FML) which allows players to load the mods into their Minecraft instance. This is used by the players to play and use the mods. When the Minecraft instance starts, Forge injects itself into the Minecraft classes and then starts up an FML instance which checks the "mods folder" for mods and injects those into the proper places.

There is also the development instance of Minecraft Forge which comes as a standalone library/sources or a prepackaged and setup where you have very little setup to do to start modding Minecraft with Forge. It is the foundation of the majority of current client/server-side mods of Minecraft.

Minecraft Forge builds can be downloaded at the Minecraft Forge Downloads page.

See the Forge Forum or the Forge Documentation for more information on MinecraftForge.

562 questions
1 answer

Where to start with creating Minecraft client mods

I've looked all over the net and YouTube and for some reason this is some top secret information or something but I'm trying to find out where to get started on making a Minecraft client mod, preferably something that can be put into a pack like…
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1 answer

Add external jar in gradle

How can I add an external library in gradle? My build.gradle contains: buildscript { repositories { mavenCentral() maven { name = "forge" url = "" } …
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2 answers

Minecraft Forge 1.8 - Loading Block Textures

I have just started learning Java while modding Minecraft. I have watched a tutorial on adding the blocks into the game using the Minecraft Forge API, but I have a problem. There is no longer the ".setBlockTextureName ()" method, so I don't know…
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1 answer

Intellij IDEA Maven Import problems

I wanted to switch to IntelliJ for forge modding (minecraft). When I do what they are saying to do on internet, I get a maven error... Unindexed remote maven repositories found. Disable... The following repositories used in…
Etienne Poulin
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7 answers

The method must override or implement a supertype method

I am making a custom armor, and in my armor class I am getting this error: The method getArmorTexture(ItemStack, Entity, int, int) of type ArmorE must override or implement a supertype method Why I am getting this error? Here's my code: Armor…
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3 answers

Could not determine java version from '13.0.1'

I have gradle 6.0.1 and JDK 13.0.1 installed and tried gradlew setupDecompWorkspace, but it tells me "Could not determine java version from '13.0.1' ". I've tried to find an answer for a week now and I can't find a solution. edit: the result of…
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5 answers

Where are the source files for forge?

When I try to open Block.class, or any other classes from the same package as Block.class, eclipse will say: "the source attachment does not contain the source for the Block.class. You can change the source attachment by clicking Change Attached…
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1 answer

Modifying Minecraft World files Programatically (Java)

I have a forge server/client project setup in Eclipse and am running a vanilla server. I'd like to copy some structures my children have built in another vanilla world and modify them slightly (ie. change the scale, replace block types, etc) and…
Casey Murray
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1 answer

How to set Gradle environment variables?

I'm trying to execute a Gradle command-line task -setupDecompWorkspace to set up Minecraft Forge, but the task gets stuck on decompileMC. I've tried the first solution from this issue, but it didn't work. The second solution suggest setting the…
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1 answer

Minecraft Forge EntityJoinWorldEvent returns Wrong Location! Error

Using Forge 1.8.9 in Eclipse (Mars.1 Release (4.5.1)) in local development environment. I'm trying to set a player's location every time they join or re-join a world. It always works the first time (e.g. run and join the world. See first screen…
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2 answers

Minecraft forge not loading textures

I'm trying to teach myself java syntax and using minecraft as a platform for diving in. I'm having a problem though because none of my textures are being loaded. For that matter neither are my localizations. Here is the code for my block package…
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While loop in java thread doesn't run

I am making a Minecraft mod in which I want to have a socket server running in the background waiting for a message from the python client. The server is running in a thread. Here is the code in which I start the thread: Thread t = new Thread(new…
1 answer

Minecraft forge 1.14.4: missing library error (snapshot) in eclipse

I am trying to start modding Minecraft using Forge 1.14.4 but because of a "missing library" which is a snapshot, I will not be able to. I have tried relentless online research but it never comes up. In build.gradle, I noticed a part saying: …
2 answers

How to log information in Forge?

I'm trying to log into using MinecraftServer.logInfo(), but I get a nosuchmethod exception. server.logInfo("Example message"); I'm getting the instance of MinecraftServer in the server starting event. MinecraftServer server =…
Alsan Ali
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2 answers

Continuous aim to target in Malmo

Malmo is Microsoft's AI framework for Minecraft, consisting of a mod for the game itself, and a multi-platform framework for sending inputs and receiving data about the world. Minecraft's aiming is cylindrical. It's stored in a yaw (left and right)…
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