Questions tagged [mindmapping]

Tony Buzan, the author of many books, popularized the term mind map for use in creating diagrams for visual representation of information. It is very commonly used technique for brain storming. Starting with a topic at the center, the diagram is developed by connecting it to related information. There are many software tools available for mind mapping, including many free ones. Many of these allow users to write scripts to access the mind maps and enhance the tool.

60 questions
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jQuery Mind Map/Think Map

I was wondering if anyone happens to know of a jQuery (or pure javascript) mind map. I found this one a few times, but it uses MooTools, unfortunately.
Matt Grande
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Automatic Documentation of ColdFusion code

I have inherited over 600 files of ColdFusion source code running a internal web site for my company. One of my tasks is to "document" it. The code base represents about 5 years of development and there is no technical specification of what it…
8 answers

Software to Mind Map Dependencies

I'm putting together something I'll soon release as OSS and I wanted to make a map of dependencies to get a clearer idea of the big picture. I ended up making the mind map myself using pen and paper: This is something I wish I could do more often,…
Alix Axel
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How do you plan your Rails app?

I'm starting a Rails app for a customer and am considering either creating a mind map or jumping straight to a Cucumber specification. How do you plan your Rails app? As an additional question, say you also start with Cucumber, at which point would…
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How to draw a mindmap

I'm working on an algorithm for drawing a mindmap. The main point there is to intelligently arrange the nodes, so that there are no overlaps and it looks nicely distributed. As an example see this screenshot (from MindNode): Any ideas on how to…
lucas clemente
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9 answers

Are there any "mind mapping" components for Delphi? (native VCL preferably)

I'm looking for a pre-written component (w/source) for a Delphi project that I'm working on, to generate mind-maps / concept-maps similar to…
3 answers

XMind or MindMeister?

I'm considering buying the "Pro" version of one of these mind mapping applications to upgrade from FreeMind and store my mind maps on the cloud. Both of them support the file extensions of this latter. Do you use any of the above applications? Which…
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Is there plugins for mind mapping?

Are there jQuery or JavaScript libraries or plugins for writing something like mind-mapping?
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Mind map components in Jquery/javascript

I was looking for mindmaps using jquery, or javascript script library. I found one at JIT Please do suggest me any other libraries for mindmap.
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mind mapping based on file system

I've just started using some mind mapping software (Freemind and Xind) as a replacement for text documents I was previously using to keep track of my work. The main issue (in both cases) is to maintain references to files and folders when I…
some dude
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D3 Force Layout: Adding & Removing Nodes On Click

I can't seem to find any other examples which have a similar application to what I'm trying to do, so I thought I'd just ask. I'm trying to mock up a funky mind map tool using the awesome d3.js library from mike bostock. I'm still trying to learn d3…
4 answers

What is the best way to store mind map data?

Mind map data starts with a core theme and branches out into many branches similar to a tree. However nodes may have relationships with each other in different branches. Here is an example without the inter relationships…
2 answers

Automatically convert a MindMap to another app (e.g. MS Project)

Here is the situation: We ran a brainstorming session to find all the tasks we will have to achieve for our project Now, I want to create a Gantt Planning (for instance) with all these tasks We already built a MindMap with Xmind (I sometimes use…
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Process/Mind mapping examples with Javascript?

Are there any examples to create a process-Map or Mind-Mapping style visualizations using Javascript visualization libraries (eg: Raphael/Processing etc)?
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1 answer

How to draw a line dynamically in Android layout

What I have done: What I am looking for: I do not care about design, but I do not know how to connect buttons to Main button with lines that are similar to the second image. Note: I am creating buttons dynamically. Thus, I do not use XML file as I…
Nora Alnashwan
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