Questions tagged [milestone]

59 questions
1 answer

Enable milestone field in TRAC ticket form

Using Trac 1.4, I have TRAC_ADMIN priviledges. A project has been defined and I created a number of milestones in the form of version identifiers (eg 1.2.3). I would now expect a Milestone field with my defined values to be presented as a…
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SQL Request in complex XML Structure

I have a complex SQL column structure running on a SQL Server 12.0 instance and looking like this : MirrorImage No
0 answers

Add Multiple Milestrone to OMPL roadmaps

I will reuse a roadmap for multiple times and I expect to add these starts and goals as multiple milestones that should be connected to the road maps. I am wondering if there is any example that implements this?
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GitLab: Board with Milestones as lists?

I'm currently using GitLab Enterprise in a team project. I now want to build out a board-based roadmap similar to Pivotal Tracker, Aha or Trello. (For this view, each month would be a "list" or Aha "milestone". We could then drag roadmap items from…
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How can I implement to control a PTZ camera with Milestone SDK in C# MVVM ReactiveUI?

I'm creating a plugin where I can select the camera and have left right buttons (currently the left button is logging it was moved), the buttons are working but the camera does not move. Here is my code snippet: private void…
Szimu B.
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Custom VMS VPS plugin with Gstreamer: h264parse raises an error

I am developing a cpp plugin that can be called by an Xprotect camera through the VMS VPService. I've built this pipeline: fromxprotectconverter: VPS plugin queue: 'src' pad linked to the 'src_metadata' pad of the fromxprotectconverter fakesink:…
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How do I add milestone step in jenkins pipeline?

I have created a pipeline script for micro services. The build gets trigger whenever there is a change in any of the micro service and only that micro service would get deployed.Let's consider micro service A, B and C.If previous build trigger had…
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Display streaming on ONVIF device Manager with VPN

I had used the ONVIF device manager to connect the Axis IP camera.I get the video when i at the office. But with VPN, i couldn't get the streaming. The Video streaming transport is TCP with port 554. I tried Wireshark to check if is the problem of…
1 answer

maximum number of primitives on FBO

Is there a limit on maximum number of primitives to be rendered on FBO per frame? If so, is there any glGet or any other API to find out the maximum number of primitives allowed per frame? I draw a set of triangles into a texture using FBO. When…
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embedded You tube milestone tracking - Through you tube API

We are trying our hard to track the you tube video milestone. We have some what tracked video playing and ended events. However, still trying to figure out the solution to pass the events whenever user pass on any particular milestone. Mentioned…
1 answer

Target in HTML how to open in Adobe Flash Player

Here I was creating an HTML menupage for a presentation that uses flash animations. I am using this code:
Question Man
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How do I catch an exception when my .NET Framework Web API loads?

I'm having an issue where I need to catch a FileNotFoundException when my application starts. For further context, this is a Web API that is also using the Milestone SDK. In their (Milestone SDK) developer forums, I found someone else who was having…
Justin Ertley
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How connect Socket IO as client C#?

When I connect with Quobject.SocketIoClientDotNet.Client.IO.Socket client, it connects and immediately disconnects the client. Every second it repeats this. What is the reason? How can I keep alive connection? var socket =…
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When you close a milestone on Github what happens to open issues?

If I have a milestone with 6 open issues and 5 closed ones, what happens to those 6 open issues if I close the milestone?
Paul Masri-Stone
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Git Repo Problem

I was trying to build a android release. I found this code: mkdir cm4mm cd cm4mm repo init -u git:// -b gingerbread repo sync vendor/cyanogen/get-rommanager . build/ && brunch umts_sholes I installed Git,…