Questions tagged [mifare]

MIFARE is the well-known trademark (owned by NXP Semiconductors) of RFID and NFC chips used in cards, tags and mobile phones.

MIFARE is the well-known trademark (owned by NXP Semiconductors) of RFID and NFC chips used in cards, tags and mobile phones.

669 questions
1 answer

Android: Authenticating with NXP MiFare Ultralight C

I have been trying for more than a week to make an Android phone authenticate with a Mifare Ultralight C. I have confirmed I can write to the tag (by writing to an unsecured memory page and then reading what I wrote). I can also write to the key…
Matt Redmond
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4 answers

Emulate Mifare card with Android 4.4

I have researched Mifare and other card emulation I have very good knowledge in programming (not Android, but C/C++). I have proxmark and I have made multiple emulation codes for proxmark, so I know how the cards communicate. I don't understand…
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4 answers

Reading a Mifare tag using Windows Phone 8 NFC?

Does Windows Phone 8 NFC support Mifare Ultralight/Classic based tags? I use this code to access NFC device on Nokia Lumia 920 (code example was taken from NDEF Tag Reader – NFC NDEF Tag Reader) public partial class MainPage :…
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3 answers

How do you write / read to a smartcard?

Is there an Open Source library for writing and reading data in C# from a smartcard using a smartcard reader? My smartcard model is mifare1k and my reader is ucr122u.
xyrus the virus
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3 answers

Read/write to NFC tag with password protection

I need to write/read textual data to an NFC tag. The way I am expecting the read/write should work is the following: First time write I should be able to set password. Next time when anyone tries to read OR write, if he has the password then he…
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3 answers

MiFare - Difference between UID and Serial Number of MiFare Card

I need to read serial number of MiFare card usin WinSCard. I am able to read 7B UID from the MiFare card. The confusion is that i dont know if the UID and the serial number of MiFare card are same?!! I have googled the issue but only could get…
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1 answer

Unlock mifare tag with android

I'm looking for a way to send the unlock sequence from an Android phone to a Mifare tag from the Chinese manufacturer that makes the ones with a writable block 0. I've been trying the connect + transceive methods, sending the 50 00 + 40 + 43 byte…
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1 answer

Desfire EV1 communication examples

There are lots of questions about Desfire EV1 cards here on Stackoverflow. But if you search for some example data the only place where you will find a few bytes is in Ridrix Blog. But this is quite incomplete. A lot of people wrote their problems…
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3 answers

"NFC tag type not supported" message

I have an app which reads and writes NFC tags. I tested my app on a Galaxy Note 3 and it works fine. But when I test it on a Note 5 and a Galaxy S6, a message pops up that says, "NFC tag type not supported". Is that the fault of my app or are my…
Shoaib Anwar
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5 answers

What APDU command gets card ID

Which APDU command gets 7 bytes of the card ID? I use T=CL (ISO7816) protocol with ISO14443 layer. On detect card I can see only 4 bytes of the card ID. I found that this should be the APDU command to get a card ID. For example its: 0xFF, 0xCA, …
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3 answers

Reading UIDs of NFC Cards in iOS 13

I would like to retrive the UID of MiFare cards. I'm using an iPhone X, Xcode 11 and iOS 13. I'm aware this wasn't possible (specifically reading the UID) until iOS 13 according to this website:…
Sean Dev
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1 answer

Mifare Change KEY A and B

I have an ACR122U Contactless NFC reader. I bought a lot of blank RFID Mifare 4k tags. Their default Authentication KEY A and KEY B is FF FF FF FF FF FF. Now I want to change them to something else. I'm using APDU structure. I'm sending commands…
Marc Raibowitz
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1 answer

Android nfcA.connect(), nfcA.transceive(), nfcA.setTimeout() and nfcA.getMaxTransceiveLength()

I have a a number of newbie NfcA questions. There seems to be little guidance on this in the docs and elsewhere on the web, so I hope no-one minds me stringing a few basic questions together here... I am using nfcA.transceive() to write data to my…
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0 answers

NFC Tag Read Speed

We are building a prototype application that reads an NFC tag using Android. However, we are not using the embedded NFC reader and Android SDK since we are using an external bluetooth reader called an ACR1255U-J1 The NFC chips that we are using are…
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2 answers

DES Send and Receive Modes for DESFire Authentication

I'm trying to authenticate DESFire card with my android application. I use the example in this link to decypher the bytes I got from the card. For that, I ruled out padding in decryption (commented out below), because DESFire documentation points it…
İsmet Alkan
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