Questions tagged [microsoft-dynamics-webapi]

A tag for questions related to the Microsoft Dynamics Web API. This tag should be used for questions about using the Web API in your code. Do not use this tag for questions related to using Microsoft Dynamics software (use the tag microsoft-dynamics instead).

29 questions
7 answers

Create annotation to a contact entity in Microsoft Dynamics CRM by API

This question is related to Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2015, that I'm calling through API. I create contact entity: POST [organization URI]/api/data/contacts Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8 Accept: application/json { "emailaddress1":…
1 answer

Creating Post with Dynamics CRM Web API

A Post entity ( cannot be created using Dynamics CRM 2016 Online Web API. This payload should create a post on POST /api/data/v8.1/posts { "text": "Test Single Post", "source": 1, …
2 answers

What DateTime is returned from Dynamics CRM API

Are the DateTime objects returned from the Dynamics CRM web API always in UTC and where is that documented? I am using the CRM SDK nuget package. I've read on several blogs (by CRM shops) that the CRM API always returns UTC DateTime objects and I…
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Call Dynamics Web API in C# Plugin

I have a Business Process Flow in Microsoft Dynamics to handle creation of a new client. When the process finishes, I am attaching a workflow that kicks of an action which calls a plugin to do some custom processing. I am following this article to…
1 answer

Dynamics365 web api update vs upsert

I'm quite confused. I understand the actual difference between those two, but I can't see any difference in the actual implementation here. Here is an excerpt from the docs Basic update Update operations use the HTTP PATCH verb. Pass a JSON object …
Robin Nemeth
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2 answers

Dynamics C# Plugin fails when run, but succeeds when Debugging

Overview I am on Dynamics 2016 on premise. I have a Business Process Flow in Microsoft Dynamics to handle creation of a new client. When the process finishes, I am attaching a workflow that kicks off an action which calls a plugin to do some custom…
1 answer

Ms Dynamics Nav Multi Language with PHP

public function productDetails($product_code){ $url = 'Page/ProductGroups'; try { $client = $this->initClient($url); // $filter = ['Field' => 'Product_Group_Code', 'Criteria' => $product_code]; $result =…
2 answers

Authenticating Dynamics 365 Web Api with logged in user of Azure Function app

I have an Azure Function App (HTTP trigger function) that is protected by Azure AD authentication. This is working fine - when I go to the URL of the function in my browser. I am first redirected to the login page where I can login using my Azure…
1 answer

retrieve a record using Dynamics 365 Web API with empty alternate key

Problem I'm trying to query records from Dynamics 365 using the Web API where a key attribute is null. Approach For testing purposes I created an entity with a string attribute, an integer attribute, and a decimal attribute. I then created an…
1 answer

400 - Bad request while inserting record for lookup field

I am using Microsoft Dynamics 365 and to access its database I am using Web API approach. In here, I am having a field which is of lookup type and is having lookup values like below: In here, consider its code values as below: Pending: 101 Booked :…
1 answer

400 - Bad Request while saving Date Only field in CRM using Web API

I am using Microsoft Dynamics 365 Web API approach to interacting with CRM data. Here I want to update the field with type: DATE and TIME. Date value I am passing in the request body is as below: "packfirstday":"1-15-2018" Except for above, I have…
1 answer

CalculateRollupField Dynamics WebAPI

I am trying to call the CalculateRollupField WebAPI call from javascript for microsoft-dynamics. I can't seem to find many examples of the implementation and my attempt at following the documentation throws the error: The request URI is not valid.…
2 answers

Resolve error on deep insert of navigation property Dynamics WebAPI

I am using the Microsoft Dynamics Web API to write data to an entity in Microsoft Dynamics 365. When I try to do a deep insert I am receiving the error An undeclared property 'ccseq_employeeid' which only has property annotations in the payload but…
1 answer

Retrieve Navigation Property Dynamics WebAPI

I am trying to retrieve the properties of a child entity via the parent entity. General Ledger Account is the parent entity and I want the details for all General Ledger Action entities that are related to the General Ledger Account. General…
1 answer

Microsoft Dynamics - Web API

I'm trying to create a new "incident" (case) in by Dynamics 365 instance via the Web API. In my http request, I don't know which field are mandatory. I tried to only add the title, subject, and customer, but I have a Http 400 error back... I'm using…