Questions tagged [mhtml]

MHTML, MIME-HTML, is a webpage format that can combine different resources, such as text, images, flash, audio or much more in one file.

In MHTML, the combination of resources such as text, images, flash, etc. can be achieved on through the use of MIME multipart/related content type.

MHTML defines the naming of objects that are normally referred to by URLs and the means of aggregating resources that go together. Two MIME headers, Content-Location and Content-Base, are defined in order to resolve references to other content stored locally in related body parts. Content-Base gives an absolute URL base, or "starting point",for relative URLs that appear in other MIME headers and in HTML documents that do not contain any BASE HTML elements. Content-Location specifies the URL that corresponds to the content of the body part that contains this header.

MHTML is commonly used in emails.

Resources :

157 questions
2 answers

Send already generated MHTML using CDOSYS through C#?

I have a ready generated MHTML as a byte array (from Aspose.Words) and would like to send it as an email. I'm trying to do this through CDOSYS, though am open to other suggestions. For now though I have the following: CDO.Message oMsg = new…
0 answers

Embed an MHTML file in an email using sp_send_dbmail

I'm currently sending a report from SSRS in MHTML using a subscription so that it gets embedded in the body of the email. I want to get similar functionality using sp_send_dbmail so that I can change the email via SQL code, however when I send the…
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Extracting different content-type of MHT file into multiple mht file

I am writing an mht script to parse an mht file and extract the part message from the parent and write them to a separate mht file I wrote the below function which opens a mht file at file_location and searches for specific content_id and writes it…
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How to open *.mht files from within a c++ program?

I've a *.mht file (say, abc.mht) which opens in IE explorer manually. I want to automate this process (programatically from c++) of 1) opening the abc.mht file 2) Keeping it open for few seconds 3) Then, close the abc.mht file from within my c++…
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SSRS Data driven subscription with Html format

I need data driven subscription on a report in ssrs 2008 that put html or mhtml into email message. The reason is to have opportunity to view reports in mobile devices without additional applications except email, thats why I cant use pdf or excel…
0 answers

Save all images from mht file in visual basic

I am working on a web-scraper which has led me to saving webpages as mht files for manipulation (couldn't access the pages and extract online due to permissions and my programming skills lol). I am using the agility pack to strip the text out of…
1 answer

Converting mht to html

I am receiving mht file. i need to txtract the text from this file and continue with some buisness logic. Is there a way to extract text from mht file? Is there a way to convert the MHT to html?
Michael A
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MHTML iFrame overlapping header

I'm trying to embed a MHTML page into a iFrame into a HTML page with headers, but I'm getting overlapping. I tried to change the z-index but it doesn't seem to work. Tried a few other things, but no go, it keeps going on top of the header. Google…
1 answer

Outlook Save MHT - Include BCC, Exclude Embedded Items, Display Addresses

I use C# and the Outlook 2010 object model to save Outlook emails to MHT format (MIME HTML). I have no problem saving an email as an MHT. //mi is a MailItem //Save As MHT mi.SaveAs(@"D:\test.mht", OlSaveAsType.olMHTML); There are aspects…
Jacob Quisenberry
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1 answer

Link Read More on a Newsletter HTML

I want to insert on my newsletter (HTML) a tipical link "Read more ... " that expand/hide my news inside of my email with more info (more text). How can i do this for works on mail platforms (gmail,outlook..? I know how to do that on a web page…
1 answer

Pull/Display a list of MHTML files in the Public folder and embed them as IFrames in my Rails application views

I have a client that uses SQL Server Reporting Services to generate reports and exports them in MHTML. The Client wants to just push the MHTML in a pre-defined directory structure to my Rails public/reports folder. Is there any way in Rails to "Take…
1 answer

Print MHT document using .NET program

We would like to programmatically print MHT document using .NET and any available IE DLLs or any other document viewer. We also would like to limit this print to 1st page of the document. If there are multiple frames inside MHT file, we would like…
1 answer

SSRS 2012 report rendering issue

I'm setting up a report on SSRS 2012 with email delivery. I want the report to be shown in the body of the email, so I'm using MHTML rendering. When I preview the report on the server it looks fine; but when i set up email delivery and look at the…
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Getting podcast flash movie to work in MHT file

I've got an MHT file from Adobe Contribute. I'm trying to get a flash file working in the MHT doc. It's a podcast so it shows the player then pulls the mp3 file, its not one file. var…
2 answers

Convert HTML (WSDL/XSD doc) to MHT in a MSBuild step

Folks, I have some HTML generated from my WSDL and XSD files for a web service, and I'd like to convert thos two HTML, along with some images (company logo) and CSS file(s), into a single MHT file during my continuous integration, so that I can…
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