Questions tagged [mfmailcomposer]

an iOS object allowing application users to send mail

This tag dates back to iOS 5. Prefer the object named MFMailComposeViewController and its tag

170 questions
4 answers

MFMailComposeViewController crashes when trying to edit email body in iOS 5

I have an App that supports both iOS 5 and iOS 6. MFMailComposeViewController works fine in iOS 6 but I have a crash in iOS 5 when a user tries to edit the body of the email. All other fields can be edited without any problems. Has anybody seen…
1 answer

How to resize the frame of embeded image in mail composer using MFMailComposeViewController in iphone

I have embeded a user image in message body of MFMailComposeSheet in my iPhone app. NSMutableString *messageBody = [[[NSMutableString alloc] initWithString:@""] retain]; NSData *imageData = [NSData…
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iOs Custom scheme in MFMailComposeViewController

I'm trying to send via MFMailComposeViewController a custom url scheme so that the receipient could tap on the embedded link and open my application on his iphone. So far the receipient gets an email but nothing happens when he taps on the…
Gal Blank
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App Rejected due to Mail

My App got rejected and reason is below:- Did not integrate with iOS features. For example, the email button should enable users to compose emails in the app rather than launching the Mail app. I did not get that what they want. I have used…
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MFMailCompose - Attachment appears to work ... nothing arrives at the other end

Here is my code: NSArray *recipient = [NSArray arrayWithObjects:@"",nil]; NSString *fileName = @"SurveyResults.txt"; NSString *homeDir = NSHomeDirectory(); NSString *fullPath = [homeDir…
2 answers

How to share all the data i have stored using sqlite database between two devices to reuse the data by dumping in another device

I have implemented an app in iPhone, (Objective-c) in that i have used SQLITE for data base. Now i need to share the data. Share Data: I need to send data trough mail. In that i attach my data base file (may be in csv format?) To re use my data in…
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mfmailcomposer cuts end of html email

I've created an in app email feature to ask a question that opens the mfmailcomposer and fills it with html content. Unfortunately it seems to cut off the final line of the email so it appears as the image below. I have set the mfmailcomposer to…
Tony UK
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3 answers

Sending an Email on one click (Without showing MFMailComposerView)

This may be a duplicate question but after searching it I couldn't find the answer which can help me. So, I want to send an email from the synced account on the device to an address on just one click. The idea of doing it as a Panic Button - when…
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Apple's MailComposer Not Sending Email

I ran Apple's MailComposer code without changing anything. I entered my email as the recipient but did not receive an email. Why is this not working? Did anybody else experience this? Here is the link to the code:…
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How to send email using mail composer plugin in iphone using phone gap jQuery mobile

I have implemented an app using jQuery Mobile in PhoneGap (corDova). I have down loded the EmailComposer plugin for sending email. I added EmailCompser.js in my www folder and EmailCompser.h, EmailCompser.m in resource folder of application. I have…
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smaller images when attaching to MFMailComposer

I have an app that emails a bunch of images. I noticed when I email them to myself, (since there's a lot) my email is very long because mail on the mac automatically previews them. Is there a way to change that so that the email isn't long? Any…
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Keep tracks on e-mails

For technical reasons, I'm not using the MFMailComposer to send a mail to some users, but my own web service. Doing this does not leave a track of the sent e-mail to my outbox. Is there a way to place a copy of my message in the outbox…
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Mail Composer crashes on iPhone

I have an app that I set to Landscape Left, Landscape Right and Portrait in my Info-plist. However, I am generally operating in a Landscape mode for all of my view controllers and I have set -…
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how to display MailComposer in landscape mode

I am building an app which will support only landscape orientation. I added mail composer but it is in portrait mode. How can i change the mail composer orientation to landscape mode.
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1 answer

Want to open mail setup in iphone whenever user doesnt have implemented any mail account in mail

I have implemented mail composer. But it opens mail composer whenever user had implemented mail account in iphone. My requirement is If user had not implemented mail accont , the mail setup should be opened.
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