Questions tagged [mfmailcomposer]

an iOS object allowing application users to send mail

This tag dates back to iOS 5. Prefer the object named MFMailComposeViewController and its tag

170 questions
1 answer

MFMailComposer Mail sent callback

I have been working on app that capture images and video and then send it to mail via MFMailComposer. I have created zip file of content and size around 6MB. I want to show loading view when user click on send button and hide mail controller and…
1 answer

Display recipients name instead of mail address in MFMailComposer

Is it possible to display or show the recipient name in Recipient field instead of the email address. I found this reference but doesn't understand what is done. Can anyone guide for above. Is there any way to display name instead of email address.
iPhone 7
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Status bar is not displaying in mfmailcomposeviewcontroller

I have problem with status bar. Its is displaying as usual in other views but when i try to send mail using mfmailcomposeviewcontroller it get disappear. I have tried all ways but did not put any effect. I have tried   [self…
1 answer

Send an email from iOS application without using MFMailCompose UI

Is there a way to send an email from iOS application without using MFMailCompose UI. I need to send an email with a small (1.5mb) video but using a custom UI. This is not an app that is going to end up in app store because it's going to be in a…
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convert nsstring into pdf format then send mail

-(void)sendmail { MFMailComposeViewController *mailer = [[MFMailComposeViewController alloc] init]; [mailer setSubject:@"iOS School - MultipleAlertViews"]; NSArray *toRecipients = [NSArray arrayWithObjects:@"", nil]; [mailer…
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2 answers

MFMailComposer Dismissing immediately after launch

I am trying to launch the MFMailComposer on the iOS 7 simulator and as soon as it comes up it immediately dissmises itself and I get the following error in the debugger. _serviceViewControllerReady:error: Error Domain=NSCocoaErrorDomain Code=4097…
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2 answers

if statement for MFMailComposer dosn`t work

I have a simple problem: If i click on my mail button and there is no E-Mail address deposited i want the alertView to show up and i don`t want it to go to the Mail composer but it does. The AlertView works but why does it goe to the MailComposer…
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4 answers

Disable/Enable Send button in mailComposeController

How to disable/enable the send button in mailComposeController. I want disable/enable the send button by using through programmatically.Is it passable? Can any one help me. Thank you...
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1 answer

Customize the MFmailcomposer and add dropdown for groups in IOS

i had to add the dropdownlist in MFMailcomposer are the before subject field or after subject field. such that the dropdown contain the groups. If user select the particular add the specific emails ids. the list is been managed by the…
1 answer

Send runtime details to HTML file to be sent from in-app email for iphone

I am sending HTML formatted email from within the iPhone app. I am reading HTML file stored within the application package. Now, I want to change certain text within the HTML file, I.e. there is name,email and phone which will change depending on…
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Attaching a recorded .caf file locatted in documents directory to mail iOS Xcode

I have files recorded by the user in the documents directory... displayed in a uitableview... I placed this code in my didSelectRowAtIndexPath... Why doesn't this work? NSArray *paths = NSSearchPathForDirectoriesInDomains(NSDocumentDirectory,…
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0 answers

How to attach "bar code" and "QA code" through mail in mfmailcomposer in ios

I have one Bar code as an Image and QA Code in Web View.these are generated depends on user input data(id and name). Now I want to send these two things through mail using Mfmailcomposer. How to attach these two things to mail and send to…
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3 answers

Email issue: want to send email without additional window

I want to send email without showing MFMailComposeViewController. I just want to send email to some sequence of emails (so user should see only my spinner, not MFMailComposeViewController with send button). The only way to send emails I know is:…
Paul T.
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6 answers

Iphone app getting crashing when i enter the iphone mail sheet

In my iphone app. I'm Creating Iphone Mail Chat Sheet using MFMailComposeViewController. Now when I enter the second time,the mail sheet, my app is getting crashed. I searched in Google. But I couldn't find the solution. Anybody help me to solve my…
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3 answers

how to pass data into an html table in email body in iphone

I could create the table. But not able to pass the value to table. - (IBAction)openMail:(id)sender { if ([MFMailComposeViewController canSendMail]) { MFMailComposeViewController *mailer = [[MFMailComposeViewController alloc] init]; …