Questions tagged [meta]

Meta elements are the HTML or XHTML element used to provide structured metadata about a Web page. DO NOT USE this tag for questions about Stack Overflow; post these on instead.

Do not use this tag for talking about Stack Overflow. Post your question on Meta instead.

Meta elements are the HTML or XHTML <meta … > element used to provide structured metadata about a Web page. Multiple elements are often used on the same page: the element is the same, but its attributes are different. Meta elements can be used to specify page description, keywords and any other metadata not provided through the other head elements and attributes.

The meta element has two uses: either to emulate the use of the HTTP response header, or to embed additional metadata within the HTML document.

With HTML up to and including HTML 4.01 and XHTML, there were four valid attributes: content, http-equiv, name and scheme. Under HTML 5 there are now five valid attributes: charset was added. http-equiv is used to emulate the HTTP header. name to embed metadata. The value of the statement, in either case, is contained in the content attribute, which is the only required attribute unless charset is given. charset is used to indicate the character set of the document, and is available in HTML5. Such elements must be placed as tags in the head section of an HTML or XHTML document.

Meta element used in search engine optimization

Meta elements provide information about a given Web page, most often to help search engines categorize them correctly. They are inserted into the HTML document, but are often not directly visible to a user visiting the site.

They have been the focus of a field of marketing research known as search engine optimization (SEO), where different methods are explored to provide a user's site with a higher ranking on search engines. In the mid to late 1990s, search engines were reliant on meta data to correctly classify a Web page and webmasters quickly learned the commercial significance of having the right meta element, as it frequently led to a high ranking in the search engines — and thus, high traffic to the website.

As search engine traffic achieved greater significance in online marketing plans, consultants were brought in who were well versed in how search engines perceive a website. These consultants used a variety of techniques (legitimate and otherwise) to improve ranking for their clients.

Meta elements have significantly less effect on search engine results pages today than they did in the 1990s and their utility has decreased dramatically as search engine robots have become more sophisticated. This is due in part to the nearly infinite re-occurrence (keyword stuffing) of meta elements and/or to attempts by unscrupulous website placement consultants to manipulate (spamdexing) or otherwise circumvent search engine ranking algorithms.

While search engine optimization can improve search engine ranking, consumers of such services should be careful to employ only reputable providers. Given the extraordinary competition and technological craftsmanship required for top search engine placement, the implication of the term "search engine optimization" has deteriorated over the last decade. Where it once implied bringing a website to the top of a search engine's results page, for some consumers it now implies a relationship with keyword spamming or optimizing a site's internal search engine for improved performance.

Major search engine robots are more likely to quantify such extant factors as the volume of incoming links from related websites, quantity and quality of content, technical precision of source code, spelling, functional v. broken hyperlinks, volume and consistency of searches and/or viewer traffic, time within website, page views, revisits, click-throughs, technical user-features, uniqueness, redundancy, relevance, advertising revenue yield, freshness, geography, language and other intrinsic characteristics.


1543 questions
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Redirect from an HTML page

Is it possible to set up a basic HTML page to redirect to another page on load?
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8 answers

What is "X-Content-Type-Options=nosniff"?

I am doing some penetration testing on my localhost with OWASP ZAP, and it keeps reporting this message: The Anti-MIME-Sniffing header X-Content-Type-Options was not set to 'nosniff' This check is specific to Internet Explorer 8 and Google…
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3 answers

How to use the 'og' (Open Graph) meta tag for Facebook share

Facebook fetches all pictures from my site. I want to share only one picture which is on that page. I heard about the og meta tag, but I don't know how to put it.
Vignesh Babu M D
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1 answer

What's the difference between meta name and meta property?

Two common meta element attributes are: and what is the difference between meta name and meta property?
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Auto refresh code in HTML using meta tags

I'm trying to refresh the same page but it isn't working. This is my HTML code: HTML in 10 Simple Steps or Less
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3 answers

Open graph can resolve relative url?

I'm adding Facebook Open Graph meta tag to my site. For example: Does Open Graph take relative URLs? Otherwise, how can I convert a relative url to an absolute url in mvc3 - Is there…
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7 answers

Achieving min-width with viewport meta tag

I would like my webpage's viewport width to equal device-width as long as device-width > 450px, or 450px otherwise (my layout dynamically scales, but doesn't look good below 450px wide). The following two meta tags work well on tablets, where the…
Tom G
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4 answers

Difference between tag and tag

Please clarify what is the difference between tag and tag. Page title If both are used which is most prioritised? I observed some sites both meta tag title…
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2 answers

What is X-UA-Compatible when it references IE=edge,chrome=1?

I just saw this meta tag in the wild and was wondering it does and why it's used? Reading the documentation on, it says: "IE=edge" tells Internet Explorer to use the…
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12 answers

Full webpage and disabled zoom viewport meta tag for all mobile browsers

I want my webpage to be full screen and disable zooming on all mobile devices. With the meta tag: I am able to do this for iPhone/iPad, but on Android devices the website is zoomed in to…
Coen Ponsen
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2 answers

Jquery Select meta[property=og:image]?

I want to select in Jquery the main photo in a web page, I just have the url page. so I decided to use the meta written for Facebook sharing. I want to select the content of : meta property="og:image" content="http://blablabla.jpg" I wrote this,…
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4 answers

Tensorflow: How to convert .meta, .data and .index model files into one graph.pb file

In tensorflow the training from the scratch produced following 6 files: events.out.tfevents.1503494436.06L7-BRM738 model.ckpt-22480.meta checkpoint model.ckpt-22480.index graph.pbtxt I would like to…
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4 answers

Is the charset meta tag required with HTML5?

The W3C "HTML5 differences from HTML4" working draft states: For the HTML syntax, authors are required to declare the character encoding. What does "required" mean? Obviously, a browser will still render HTML5 without the charset meta tag. If no…
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1 answer

Django: Creating a Mixin for Reusable Model Fields

I've got a few fields that I want to add to most every model in my project. For example, these fields are "tracking fields" such as a created date, an update date, and an "active" flag. I'm attempting to create a Mixin that I could add to each…
Joe J
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2 answers

apple-mobile-web-app-status-bar-style in ios 10

I know this question has been asked previously, just want to know if this is still the case in ios 10 (and ios 9)... According to the apple developer guidelines for web apps (found here), there are 3 choices for the status bar in a web app; default,…
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