Questions tagged [mediainfo]

MediaInfo is a convenient unified display of the most relevant technical and tag data for video and audio files.

The MediaInfo data display includes

  • Container: format, profile, commercial name of the format, duration, overall bit rate, writing application and library, title, author, director, album, track number, date, duration.
  • Video: format, codec id, aspect, frame rate, bit rate, color space, chroma subsampling, bit depth, scan type, scan order.
  • Audio: format, codec id, sample rate, channels, bit depth, language, bit rate.
  • Text: format, codec id, language of subtitle.
  • Chapters: count of chapters, list of chapters.
150 questions
4 answers

Getting metadata for MOV video

I' ve a .MOV video sent by a phone messanger app. Can I retrieve the real creation data of the file and the author? I tried with ffprobe, mediainfo and similar tool but give me only the date when I download it.
Manuel Castro
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MediaMetadataCompat Extras

Is there any way to use extras with the MediaMetadataCompat from the support library? Using the MediaMetadata I can set extras, but with the compat one I cannot.
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How to find duration of a video file using mediainfo in seconds or other formats?

How can I find duration of a video file in miliseconds i.e. in integer in deterministic way. I have used ffprobe to get the duration but it doesn't give duration for all file formats.
Harit Vishwakarma
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2 answers

MediaInfo CLI (Command Line Interface) Syntax Teaching Me Once & For All

Dear Friends at Stack Overflow, There is a pattern of questioning here that I noticed in many categories, but for the sake of this topic I'll talk about MediaInfo CLI. The same type of questions keep re-occurring because the source problem is NOT…
3 answers

How to use MediaInfo with Amazon S3?

According to the MediaInfo ChangeLog, Amazon S3 support was added in v0.7.76 and even patched in v0.7.77 (latest). However, I can't find any documentation on how to implement it. It's not in CLI help menu nor the SourceForge project pages. I was…
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3 answers

BATCH | echo multiple variables to file

Directory contains 2 (or more) video files with any random names. video1.mkv video2.mkv Need to find out duration of every video. To do that we use MediaInfo. setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion for %%a in (*.mkv) do ( for /f "usebackq" %%a in…
2 answers

How to read Bit rate of .wav file in C#

given that I have a .wav file, what would be best way to read its Bit rate property in C#. I have tried Shell, and asked a question Is "Bit rate" property fixed in index 28? with no asnwers so for. Also I now believe Shell is not the best way to…
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1 answer

FFmpeg check audio channels for silence

I have two .mp4 files, both having 8 (7.1) audio channels. But in fact, I've been told that one has a stereo audio channel + 2 SAP (secondary audio on channels 7-8), and the other one has 6 (5.1) audio channels + 2 SAP (on channels 7-8). So…
Tina J
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How to use mediainfo see video file information on aws s3?

I have installed mediainfo tool on mac. I can use it see local video file. But when I see a information about which file on aws s3, I got an error: $ mediainfo…
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1 answer

python: How does subprocess.check_output create it's calls?

I'm trying to read the duration of video files using mediainfo. This shell command works mediainfo --Inform="Video;%Duration/String3%" file and produces an output like 00:00:33.600 But when I try to run it in python with this…
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What is the fastest way to get a media file's duration?

I am working on a program that scans drop folders for files, and registers them to another system that requires a duration for the file. The best solution I've been able to find so far is to use MediaInfo to get the duration from the header, but for…
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Formatting piped text in zenity

I'm trying to show some mediainfo output in a Zenity dialog, using mediainfo 00000.MTS | zenity --text-info and here's there result. As the image shows, the text is badly formatted because of spaces, while it shows just right in terminal. Can I…
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1 answer

Python error using MediaInfo plus wrapper

I'm currently trying to get the module pymediainfo, which is installed on every machine i try this on and installs with no errors. For more info on pymediainfo go here (There isn't a lot hence why i'm here):…
3 answers

ffmpeg vs mediainfo for getting thumbnail and metadata

I need to extract the metadata information from a video file as well as a thumbnail for that file. For this I have tried ffmpeg and the metadata (such as duration, resolution, codecs, creation_time etc) is seen on the stdout. If I need to use…
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OSError: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory from aws lambda

I am using pymediainfo in lambda function , and I have followed the answer from this so question . The function has the below code from pymediainfo import MediaInfo s3_bucket_file_key =…
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