Questions tagged [mediadevices]

107 questions
0 answers

How to get output from MediaDevices without needing to allow browser microphone permissions

I have a page where I need to quickly send some audio, using JavaScript [or jQuery], to the speakers (to be heard in a classroom) and some other audio to a bluetooth device (messages to the teacher). I only want to OUTPUT audio. I DON'T need to get…
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1 answer

Allow Windows RDP users to access removable media

I am trying to configure Windows 10 with PowerShell. To enable access to optical drives when logged on via RDP (Remote Desktop Protocol) I use the following code: Function EnableMediaBurningDevices { Write-Output "Enabling media burning…
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Firefox not displaying media devices on Android

I'm having some problems getting Firefox to display devices through the method navigator.mediaDevices.enumerateDevices(). I have read this post on the same issue: navigator.mediaDevices.enumerateDevices() not display device label on firefox. But I'm…
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Firefox getUserMedia throws OverconstrainedError for video constrains 480 X 720

Javascript throws OverconstrainedError in Firefox. navigator.mediaDevices({video:{ width: { min: 480, max: 480 }, height: { max: 720, min:720 }, }}) .then(stream => { //assign stream to video element }) .catch(error => {}) I wanted to…
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2 answers

mediaDevices.getUserMedia, start microphone recording after audio has finished playing, Safari problem

Got a situation that is unclear to me. What I want is this: Play an audio and after audio has finished playing, start the microphone recording. The problem: In FF and Chrome the code works just fine. On Safari however, when the audio has stopped…
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switch camera using MediaDevices.getUserMedia() in vuejs 2

I'm trying to develop a website where i can switch camera from chrome in mobile devices. Current im using vuejs 2 framework and using MediaDevices.getUserMedia() to take image. From here i understand how am i gonna use my code. Individually both of…
Alauddin Ahmed
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How to set specific camera focus distance using MSDN Web Docs MediaDevices interface

I am trying to change my cameras focus distance using the MediaDevices interface from MDN Web Docs. I have the Razer Kiyo which supports autofocus because it does that by default, but I'd like to manually set a constant focus distance. There is no…
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Problem trying to use mediaDevices from a mobile browser

I am trying to build a simple app with WebRTC (PeerJS + and React. I need to have access to navigator.mediaDevices from a mobile browser like Chrome. I already know that you cannot access this API if you are not using HTTPS. As I am using…
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Return video from camera connected to server

Hi guys so I've created streaming server with webRTC that streams audio and video but there is an issue I'm streaming my own camera to browser, so I can see myself but I don't want that, what I want is to get stream from camera that is connected to…
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Screen recording through webView's function in android

I am opening a webpage (external) on webview in android. On that webpage, there is a button for screen recording. Screen recording is working fine if I open it on Desktop systems/Laptop. But when I am opening this webpage on android's webview,…
0 answers

Screen Sharing with getDisplayMedia and reacting to shared url changes

User has a stream captured with navigator.mediaDevices.getDisplayMedia to share page with his bank assistant on video call. User shares, for example, bank page with url But his bank assistant is a bad guy and wants a user to go to…
0 answers

Can i bring the screen recorder tab to the center or hide it?

I am implementing screen recorder in my chrome extension but when the record tab comes up it is not fitting well on the screen like it goes into the left side of my screen hiding the share button.So is there a way to bring it to the center of my…
1 answer

navigator.mediaDevices.getUserMedia not work in iphone chrome

I use navigator.mediaDevices.getUserMedia for get media In chrome of iPhone but not work Chrome version : 87 My code: // alert fine on safari and error on chrome if(navigator.mediaDevices && navigator.mediaDevices.getUserMedia) { alert('fine') }…
Parsa Nikoo
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getUserMedia.bind(navigator) doesn't return a promise

History: I wanted to create an alias/namespace for navigator.getUserMedia. And in that process, I did the following: let constraints = {}; // Required for setting device constraints let _getUserMedia = navigator.getUserMedia.bind(navigator); // It…
Anvesh Checka
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Can I select multiple audio output devices in javascript

I am developing a webRTC app that includes two audio players, each of which should output their audio simultaneously to a distinct audio device. The user would select, e.g., "Internal Speakers" as the output for one stream, and "External Headphones"…
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