Questions tagged [maven-javadoc-plugin]

The Maven Javadoc Plugin uses the Javadoc tool to generate javadocs for the specified project.

The documentation on the Maven Java Doc plugin can be used to read more in detail how the javadoc plugin works and how to configure particular areas of the JavaDoc generation for a project.

193 questions
1 answer

maven-javadoc-plugin sourceFileExcludes not working

I'm not too sure what is the right way to use this tag, but I use it like this: It doesn't work at all. It seems that there was a known bug in maven that this…
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Javadoc ignore parameter annotation

I have functions such as public void setName(@StdString String name) { } Javadoc creates the method as it is. However I want to remove @StdString annotations from the doc created. Expected output public void setName(String name) { } I want to…
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Javadoc linking to split package

When using the javadoc tool (Which I do through the Maven Javadoc Plugin, not with javadoc directly), there is the -link option to link to external sources. The problem now is that my project makes use of JSR-305 annotations, and I have configured…
Kelvin Chung
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1 answer

Is there a workaround for maven-javadoc-plugin bug MJAVADOC-414?

While using maven-javadoc-plugin to generate test Javadoc I suddenly got multiple errors stating that the Javadoc plugin was unable to find any classes from my main codebase. While running the test-javadoc goal the classpath contained only classes…
Emily Mabrey
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Proper generation of javadocs links to external libraries

I have developed a Java library that makes use of some other libraries also developed by me. All of them published online and managed with Maven. My problem concerns proper inclusion of links in the generated Javadocs. For example, if a class in my…
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Automatic verification of JavaDoc with Maven

During refactoring it happens frequently that JavaDoc gets out-of-date. It describes method arguments which are not present any more or some new ones are missing, to give examples. It would be fine, if there is a Maven-plugin which automatically…
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Having trouble with maven-javadoc-plugin aggregation

I have a Maven aggregate project with three child modules, so the project is like so: Parent | |- ChildA |- ChildB |- ChildC The classes use aggregation and inheritence: Parent lists the children as modules, and each Child specifies Parent…
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0 answers

maven javadoc shows annotation twice

I am trying to add JetBrains Annotations library to my code. Now I come across, that if I generate JavaDoc of my code the appearance of them is duplicated. Once is without qualifier (the annotations are imported, so no one is needed) and the second…
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2 answers

maven javadoc plugin error when used with modules Exit code: 1 - error: module not found:

I have a multi-module project that uses maven as its build system. I want to generate javadocs for the project. I do: mvn -e javadoc:javadoc When maven gets to the first module (Util) I get this: Exit code: 1 - error: module not found:…
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1 answer

Maven multi-module project site with javadocs

I would like use Maven for creating site for my application. This is a multi-module app, the parent module is simple site module, and first child is a core of app, the second is a GUI (Swing). I now use follow for parent pom.xml
1 answer

SonarQube not showing errors in javadoc

I have a project in spring-boot java and on doing the sonarqube analysis of the code, javadoc errors are not detected. The issue occurs during maven release when there is an error in javadoc the release build fails to build the javadoc jars and the…
1 answer

Create JavaDoc on GitLab by every Push

I'm working on a Java project, which runs on GitLab. I'm trying to find a way, in which GitLab automatically generates the Java documentation on each push. I tried to use the JavaDoc plugin for Maven and call it with a pipeline. But the plugin needs…
1 answer

Add example usage (markdown?) to JavaDocs

Say I have this: Is there a way to add markdown or html to each method, with an example of how to use the method? I am thinking an expanding panel - button says view example and it opens a panel. I tried adding this to the inline docs: /** *…
Alexander Mills
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1 answer

What causes maven-javadoc-plugin goal test-javadoc to fail on errors but test-javadoc-no-fork just to have warnings

I have a Maven project with maven-javadoc-plugin and JDK8. When I run mvn javadoc:test-javadoc then the plugin reports documentation-errors and stops, but when I run mvn javadoc:test-javadoc-no-fork the plugin runs successful and there's just some…
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5 answers

"No public or protected classes found to document" error from path with accents

My Maven Java 8 project is inside a path which contains accents: C:\Développements\myproject. When I use maven-javadoc-plugin (event with last 2.10.4 version) I have this error when I try to generate the javadoc of my project (from IntelliJ IDEA…
Anthony O.
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