Questions tagged [maven-javadoc-plugin]

The Maven Javadoc Plugin uses the Javadoc tool to generate javadocs for the specified project.

The documentation on the Maven Java Doc plugin can be used to read more in detail how the javadoc plugin works and how to configure particular areas of the JavaDoc generation for a project.

193 questions
2 answers

Use maven JavaDoc with reasonable doclint parameters

There is lots of information on how to switch off the JavaDoc lint feature in Java 8. Believe it or not, today I decided to use this functionality and fix my JavaDocs. However, in its standard configuration it is complaining about every possibly…
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How to properly link to a modularized dependency using the Maven Javadoc Plugin?

In my project, I'm trying to include links to a modularized Java library (Caesar) in the documentation files generated by the javadoc tool. Running: mvn clean install builds the docs without links to the external library. My…
1 answer

How to avoid duplicate forking when generating aggregated javadoc in a multimodule project

I am trying to configure a Maven multimodule project to produce a distribution zip via the assembly plugin, which should include aggregated javadoc for all submodules in the project. The project structure is (simplified, in reality there's about 20…
Jeen Broekstra
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1 answer

maven 3 javadoc plugin doesn't take the excludepackagename config

I'm trying to exclude a bunch of packages from a javadoc site. Unfortunately this plugin seems to live its own life and when it was configured as a report plugin it failed with access denied when moving files, so it was changed to be a normal…
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maven-javadoc-plugin not accepting -Xdoclint:none

A mvn release:perform is failing due to javadocs not being created. So I tried running mvn javadoc:javadoc myself and I see that it fails due to the javadoc comments in the source code not having definitions for all of the parameters and return…
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3 answers

How to enable maven profile when built version is not -SNAPSHOT?

I'm trying to use the gitflow-helper-maven-plugin extension for my maven builds. Therefore I'd like to configure my project in order to run some extra steps when building a release version and skipping them while compiling a SNAPSHOT one, but I…
3 answers

How do I make javadoc inheritance work for external APIs? (with Maven2)

When a class overrides a concrete method or implements and abstract method, the Javadoc is automatically inherited unless explicitly overwritten. Or, at least the tool tries to do this. It seems it does not work for linked external APIs. For…
Chris Vest
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1 answer

maven-javadoc-plugin error javadoc: error - cannot read Input length = 1 with non-ASCII characters in directory name

I'm using OpenJDK 11 on Windows 10. I have a very simple POM, for a single Java file, that generates Javadocs. Here is an extract: UTF-8
Garret Wilson
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swagger-maven-plugin triggers Javadoc warning: element value must be a constant expression (but it is!) in Java annotation

Javadoc (via Maven) is giving me the following error in one my Java JAX-RS interface method signatures: error: element value must be a constant expression Here is my JAX-RS interface: public interface FooResource { …
2 answers

maven-javadoc-plugin and inheritDoc for Java API core classes

I am writing my own Java 8 Stream implementation and want to inherit the Javadocs from the original interface. However I cannot get it working. The generated Javadoc does only show my documentation but not the documentation…
Stefan Ferstl
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0 answers

Java 8 + Maven Javadoc plugin: Error fetching URL

I am attempting to generate Javadoc that actually links to the Javadoc for my dependencies. I have tried various means to generate Javadoc which does not produce the fully qualified class names for references to classes from my dependencies. I…
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1 answer

Maven Javadoc aggregate-jar plugin fails because of unresolved dependencies

I have multi-module Maven project in which I run the maven-javadoc-plugin to generate javadoc. In my parent pom.xml I have defined the plugin build as follows: org.apache.maven.plugins
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1 answer

How to skip test api docs in maven-javadoc-plugin?

I would like to skip generating 'testapidocs' folder in my 'target/site' folder after executing 'clean skip:skip' with following configuration. Build Configuration: .................
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2 answers

Maven "Skipping javadoc generation" WHY?

I'm working on a maven project and want to generate the most basic of javadocs. This is the plugin I add to my pom.xml org.apache.maven.plugins
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1 answer

Generating multiple javadoc reports using maven-javadoc-plugin and Maven 3

We use a custom doclet to generate a report from custom javadoc tags, and use the Maven site plugin and javadoc plugin to generate both this report and the regular java API docs. The section of the POM looks like this:
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