Questions tagged [manageiq]

ManageIQ allows users to manage containers, virtual machines, networks, and storage from a single platform.

33 questions
1 answer

Why are images not showing in Azure inventory in ManageIQ?

I'm using ManageIQ as our cloud management platform to provision resources in Azure. I am having strange issues related to images available in ManageIQ for making provisioning requests. I understand that the list of images comes from Azure as part…
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How to correctly create client key for setting up new Azure provider in ManageIQ?

I am setting up a new dev instance of manageIQ, and am trying to add an Azure provider. I'm getting the following error: Credential validation was not successful: Timed out connecting to server I tried: creating an Azure AD application and service…
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Change refresh interval for Openstack provider in CloudForms to run periodically

I have a bug in CloudForms, related with broken targeted refresh for VMs. As a temporary solution I want to make a full refresh for the entire provider (OpenStack) running periodically, say every 30 minutes. I'm wondering how to do it on a…
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ManageIQ / Cloudforms dynamic form

I am trying to create a form to manage users permissions in my tool. Here is my static form When the user selects “Revoked” Membership, I want all the tools below to be disabled and to take the “None” value. When the user selects “Administrator”…
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Login manageiq using REST API from external application

Im trying to login to manageIQ using REST API from external application (internal app). Currently im using curl refer "" and i successfully get response for authentication but im not sure…
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got error when run cmd RAILS_ENV=production bundle exec rake assets:precompile

I'm trying to convert manageiq development mode to production mode so I applied precompile cmd and got error ExecJS::RuntimeError: SyntaxError: Unexpected token: operator (>) (line: 2221, col: 46, pos: 3996497) Error at new JS_Parse_Error…
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how to convert ManageIQ application development mode to production mode which will generate production log instead of development log

how to convert ManageIQ application development mode to production mode which will generate production log instead of a development log. "ManageIQ production Environment"
1 answer

How much time ManageIQ takes to reflect data After adding Provider(Azure,AWS etc.)

I added Azure Provider and AWS provider to the ManageIQ its been more than a Day no data about Instances reflected in ManageIQ. As the provider is Authenticated but still no report displayed about Instances in ManageIq with Azure provider and AWS…
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How to generate key token on Azure portal?

I try to monitor Azure with ManageIQ. The ManageIQ cloud provider requests the Azure client id and Azure client token. But I have no idea how to find client id and to generate key token on Azure portal. How can I find them?
Joseph Hwang
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Cloudforms/manageiq log format explanation logs in of automation log

ManageIQ creates logs in automation.log in the following form: [----] I, [2018-03-15T08:26:22.292771 #29399:3a99874] INFO -- : Q-task_id([service_template_provision_request_1000000023798]) Getting Tenant Quota Values for:…
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How to run a specific worker in ManageIQ?

Sometimes I need to run on specific MIQ worker in foreground. rake evm:start runs all the workers, but if I need just one, how can I do that?
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The difference between OpenStack and Red Hat Cloudforms

I am new to OpenStack and Red Hat CloudForms. I am trying to understand what is the difference between OpenStack and CloudForms in terms of spining vm's. If a client having multiple VMware infrastructure then I can use either CloudForms or…
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ManageIQ Last Refresh : HTTP status code 403, User cannot list all pods in the cluster

I try to make a monitoring connection to openshift with manageiq. The container provider is generated successfully. But the problem is this connection can not be refreshed. I set the authentication mode to httpd like below, But, this configuration…
Joseph Hwang
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1 answer

ManageIQ refreshing not working (error "Not allowing worker")

I made the openshift monitoring instance with ManageIQ. The connection to openshift is succeeded. But refreshing the openshift monitoring does not work. The openshift variables show nothing on the dash board. These are the evm.log of ManageIQ…
Joseph Hwang
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1 answer

Openshift monitoring with ManageIQ

I am a newbie of manageiq monitoring tool. I am trying to access to Openshift with manageiq. My development environment is Windows 10 and Docker container with manageiq/manageiq:fine-1image. I made successful connection to Hawkular on localhost with…
Joseph Hwang
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