Questions tagged [lti]

Learning Tools Interoperability (LTI)® is a specification developed by IMS Global Learning Consortium. The principal concept of LTI is to establish a standard way of integrating rich learning applications with platforms like learning management systems, portals, or other educational environments. In LTI these learning applications are called Tools (delivered by Tool Providers) and the LMS, or platforms, are called Tool Consumers.

Learning Tools Interoperability (LTI)® is a specification developed by IMS Global Learning Consortium. The principal concept of LTI is to establish a standard way of integrating rich learning applications (often remotely hosted and provided through third-party services) with platforms like learning management systems, portals, or other educational environments. In LTI these learning applications are called Tools (delivered by Tool Providers) and the LMS, or platforms, are called Tool Consumers.

The basic use case behind the development of the LTI specification is to allow the seamless connection of web-based, externally hosted applications and content, or Tools (from simple communication applications like chat, to domain-specific learning environments for complex subjects like math or science) to platforms that present them to users. In other words, if you have an interactive assessment application or virtual chemistry lab, it can be securely connected to an educational platform in a standard way without having to develop and maintain custom integrations for each platform.

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113 questions
1 answer

How to define LTI systems with Time delay in Scipy?

The transfer function of an LTI system with time delay has a numerator term exp(-Td * s) where Td is the time delay. In Matlab, one could create such an LTI system in many ways (e.g. using the "s" operator and setting the exponential term directly…
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LTI Launch Authentication with Node.js

I have created a simple 'hello-world' web app using express.js framework. I want the app to be IMS-LTI Compliant so that moodle and other Learning Management Systems can launch it as an external tool. However, I do not understand how to authenticate…
Oliver McPhee
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LTI 2 tool Proxy registration is failing with 400 or 500 error

I am developing an LTI Tool Provider in Python and have had no problems getting any aspects of LTI 1.x basic launch working or the Content Item specification. I have hit a huge brick wall though trying to use the LTI 2 registration…
Michael Robellard
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3 answers

LTI compliant example for consumer and provider

i'm looking for any code sample to integrate external tool to LMS using LTI in NodeJS but it seems quite hard to find working example. i have gone trough the sample provide by IMS Global but it's hard to understand. anyone having idea how to…
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OAuth Invalid Signature with LTI

I'm trying to use LTI to integrate an LMS (Canvas) with my 3rd party learning tool. As part of the process, I'm taking the Request variables as sent to me by Canvas: Array ( [oauth_consumer_key] => key [oauth_nonce] =>…
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Building a body signed oauth xml request for LTI Outcomes service using pecl oauth

I'm using the pecl oAuth library, is it possible to build a body signed oauth request that looks like: POST HTTP/1.0 Host: Content-Length: 757 Authorization: OAuth…
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Is there a way to set the SameSite cookie to none with Nginx?

On an Apache test server, our vendors were able to achieve what we needed by setting Header edit Set-Cookie ^(.*)$ $1;HttpOnly;Secure;SameSite=None in .htaccess. However, our live site is running Nginx and we are having trouble figuring out how to…
1 answer

How to map array type groups parameter to LTI1p0

I have an LTI Tool Consumer(LMS) that is using LTI1p0 which will send a request to a service that is currently not using LTI. Therefore I'm writing a NodeJS implementation of a wrapper which will receive from the LTI Tool Consumer, map it to match…
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LTI standards to integrate LMS

I am integrating my application in MVC with Moodle. But it need LMS standards for future integrations with any other LMS. I am totally blank about this new term "LTI".
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How to authenticate moodle LTI launch request

I've created a LTI tool that I'm integrating with moodle. I have created a consumer key and secret but I'm unsure how do I validate (authenticate) the launch request. Here is the raw request that I'm receiving, so I'm guessing I need to validate the…
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1 answer

How get a course section details in Canvas LTI 2.0

I want to fetch the course section details from Canvas, I am using LTI 2.0. Asper the API document I can get the section sis_id's that the user is enrolled in but I am not getting…
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How do I sign an XML POST request with oauth?

I'm in the middle of creating an LTI tool and the spec docs for LTI Gradebooks say that the requests must be "Plain Old XML" (POX) messages signed using OAuth body signing [OAuth, 10]. LTI Gradebook docs found here When using…
Justin Schultz
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LTI and common cartridge

I am using Blackboard LMS and I am new with LTI staff. I want to know what is common cartridge & how it is related with LTI? Please also specify what are the differences between those?
Neha Gupta
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1 answer

OpenEDX : Error 400 when using it as LTI provider

I want to include some OpenEdx lesson on my web application. For this, I decided to use the LTI protocol which is supported by OpenEDX (as consumer and provider in last release). My application, as LTI consumer, already integrate with success some…
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Desire2Learn invalid oAuth signature with LTI Learning Tool Link

I've created a test LTI Tool Provider and tested it successfully against the IMSGlobal test consumer at However, when I use my endpoint in our client's D2L test instance the oAuth signatures…
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