Questions tagged [loopback]

In telecommunications, loopback, or a loop, is a hardware or software method which feeds a received signal or data back to the sender.

In telecommunications, loopback, or a loop, is a hardware or software method which feeds a received signal or data back to the sender. It is used as an aid in debugging physical connection problems. As a test, many data communication devices can be configured to send specific patterns (such as all ones) on an interface and can detect the reception of this signal on the same port. This is called a loopback test and can be performed within a modem or transceiver by connecting its output to its own input. A circuit between two points in different locations may be tested by applying a test signal on the circuit in one location, and having the network device at the other location send a signal back through the circuit. If this device receives its own signal back, this proves that the circuit is functioning.

1235 questions
2 answers

Is there any way to integrate Auth0 to Loopback 4?

I'm working in a project with Loopback version 4, a Node.js framework. I need to implement authentication with Auth0. However, it seems Auth0 is not compatible with version 4 of Loopback. I couldn't find any documentation, or even a tutorial, about…
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2 answers

How to specify minimum and maximum length for fields in Loopback 4?

I have defined the property in my model as follows: @property({ type: 'string', required: true, min: 2, max: 255 }) name: string However, when I send the field consisting of 1 character, it didn't throw me the error. Can anybody…
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3 answers

How to watch for file changes in Loopback 4?

I have the following: nodemon server/server.js --watch common --watch serve This doesn't work at all. Alright, maybe it's because server/server.js doesn't exist! So I tried the following: nodemon index.js --watch common --watch serve Still it…
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3 answers

Trying to post data with Request NPM from NodeJS to localhost (Loopback Swagger API)

When I try to post an instance to loopback from within nodejs using this code I don't get any errors but I don't get any data posted either? //NPM Package (request) var request = require('request'); // Address of Loopback API on the same…
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1 answer

Loopback 4 test configurations are not picked up

I followed Loopback4 datasources documentation and placed sample.datasource.json and sample.test.datasource.json files under src/datasources. Whenever I run npm run test my repository is injected with original datasource but not the test…
Raj B6
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1 answer

How to print time taken for SQL query to execute in loopback console?

I'm printing SQL queries executed in my application using below code var chalk = require('chalk'); module.exports = (app) => { var connector = app.datasources.mysqlDs.connector; connector.observe('after execute', function(ctx, next) { …
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2 answers

Loopback 4/MongoDB - Foreign key not converted to ObjectID

I am trying to set up an hasMany relation using a Mongo database. I have followed the guide to create an hasMany relation in the loopback 4 documentation ( and tryied to set differents properties…
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2 answers

Loopback timeout(no response from server) when make a time consume request

I have a request which processes thousands of data. So sometimes It takes more then 5 minutes to complete. But unfortunately loopback returns timeout(no response from server) before process is completed. In nodejs request. You can remove request…
Ankur Akvaliya
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1 answer

Filter Remote Method in loopback

I have created a remote method in loopback XXX.remoteMethod('getAllGlobalFilters', { 'description': 'List of all GlobalFilters', 'http': { 'path': '/getAllGlobalFilters', 'verb': 'get' }, 'accepts': [ {'arg':…
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2 answers

Loopback Error: connect ECONNREFUSED (MAMP)

So I am working with Loopback (Node.js framework) for the first time and I tried to set up a Mysql model. I've installed Loopback globally, and also installed the mysql connector with npm. After that, I tried to add a datasource with the mysql…
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1 answer

How to override the default password hashing method and validation method of loopback?

I am very new to Loopback and i want to override the default hashing of password method of loopback to the one that is currently used in my backend so that i can sync this application with that database . i read this link…
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1 answer

Nested Queries not working in iOS sdk, but works fine in loopback explorer

Currently I'm working on a project that gets values using iOS loopback sdk. Everything works by the book if its is one query. But when nested query, like below, occurs it shows error Error Domain=AFNetworkingErrorDomain Code=-1011 "Expected status…
0 answers

Bundle loopback with webpack

Is there a way to bundle the loopback server with Webpack? I tried but it does not work at all. My guess is that it is something related with the way loopback boots. And also about all .json and .js configuration files (e.g. config.json) that are…
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0 answers

Loopback - redirect all traffic to index.html

I'm building a react single page application using for backend, loopback. How can I set, in the middleware, all the traffic (except API calls to the server and asset files like css, js,...) to go to index.html? Here is what I have for the moment…
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1 answer

Loopback: How to update multiple objects over REST?

On my current project I'm using a loopback backend as the REST API. My question is actually quite simple, but I wasn't able to figure it out on my own. On my client I have a bulk of message objects which are updated by the user - these can add up to…
Ben Lime
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