Questions tagged [lockup]

15 questions
1 answer

WebRequest.GetResponse locks up?

When writing the below my code locks up on GetResponse. Why? try { WebRequest myWebRequest = WebRequest.Create(strURL); WebResponse myWebResponse = myWebRequest.GetResponse(); //more code here
2 answers

Reasons for Soft Lock up?

When we enable CONFIG_DETECT_SOFTLOCKUP to detect soft lockups, it creates a new task called khungtaskd which will run every 1s. If khungtaskd fails to get scheduled for 'n' seconds, then Kernel will declare a soft lockup. My question is what are…
Pavan Manjunath
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4 answers

Windows/.NET way to monitor/debug the serial port?

I have an application which is .NET 2.0, running on Windows XP Professional. This app uses the Serial Port to communicate with some custom devices. For some reason, a few of our custom built PCs have an issue with the Serial Port, where it will…
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4 answers

Complete lock-up of a Java process

This one is baffling. All of a sudden we've started experiencing a situation where all threads in a Java process reach a BLOCKED state and the process is completely frozen. There's no jvm.log or hs*.log file to point to what's going on. A jstack…
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STM32 how to recover from lock up

I am trying to communicate with an SMBus battery. That has 2 sections so I am using 2 I2C modules. After the first I2C module makes a successful communication second module gets stuck. And it gets stuck in Busy. In that case I thought I need to…
5 answers

python sleep == IDE lock up

When my script sleeps for 50sec my IDE locks up which is very annoying. I cant switch tabs, look through my source, type code, etc. It happens in pylde and pyscripter, i havent tried other IDEs. What can i do to fix this? i'm actually doing for i…
1 answer

Apache/PHP using 100% CPU while trying to free cache space

I created a script for use with my website that is supposed to erase the oldest entry in cache when a new item needs to be cached. My website is very large with 500,000 photos on it and the cache space is set to 2 GB. These functions are what cause…
Mike -- No longer here
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3 answers

Best way to identify and dispose locked thread in java

I have to call a function 3rd party module on a new thread. From what I've seen, the call either completes quickly if everything went well or it just hangs for ever locking up the thread. What's a good way to start the thread and make the call and…
Bala R
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1 answer

The whole wpf application is blocked after i call Show() for new window

I am developing a WPF-application using mvvm pattern. And a strange problem occurred to me. There is a form, which contains a devexpress DXGrid control. There is a command binded to double click gesture in presenter. When the command triggers a new…
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Table Cell selected but didSelectRowAt indexPath sometimes does not get executed and causes lock up?

[EDIT]: I think I have solved the lockup issue. While refactoring the didSelectRowAt prep for exit to be a blocking task in the ping async queue, I noticed that successful transitions would consist of one instantaneous move to rootVC followed by…
0 answers

Table editing with excel vba causing crashing and cell lockup

I have made a userform that allows the user to select a table and add rows to it and fill those rows with various information, all from the userform. I have run into a few problems with this. First after adding or during adding the items (after…
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Restarting due to SPID stuck on RUNNING, KILLED/ROLLEDBACK status

I'm a new "accidental" DBA and I'm currently trying to resolve a lockup caused by a trigger I created on a production database supporting a front end application. I created a trigger, and then I decided I'd be best off creating a job to do the work…
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Works fine in iphone simulator but lockup in an iphone device

I created an iphone app which requires Sqlite for insert, update and delete records.The application is working fine in iphone simulator. All functions are working (insert, update and delete record). But when I installed it in iphone or ipad. It…
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Visual Studio 2013 crashing multiple times a day

I have Visual Studio 2013 Ultimate with Update 4. Computer is Windows 7, 64 bit, 8gb ram, 1tb hd. Multiple times a day it will lock up and crash while I am doing normal coding operations. Sometimes its while i'm opening a file, or renaming a…
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pyHook and wxPython - App Freezes when typing in itself

I have a small python application that creates a wxPython Frame and then uses pyHook to hook the keyboard. The Frame contains a TextCtrl. When the text in the control is changed, a thread is created to do some process (in this case, just a large…
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