Questions tagged [live-update]

36 questions
11 answers

How to do live updating similar to Google Docs?

I want to do something very similar to Google Doc's live updating - where all users can "immediately" see the actions of the other users in the doc. To achieve this, my ideas so far: Continuous AJAX requests being done in the background (this would…
Stephen Watkins
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2 answers

Kubernetes rolling update without downtime?

According to, I would like to ask how to achieve zero-downtime rolling update? I guess here are the minimum requirements: (1) .spec.updateStrategy…
Kok How Teh
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2 answers

Dynamically un referenc a dll in c# winforms

I have a winform c# app. I can use a [web method] to check for a version of a DLL that my client winform should use. I can also download it. But, if I copy over the old DLL I will get an error stating that the file is in use. I had expected…
Andrew Simpson
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4 answers

How to make live changes to SQL server express

I've been developing an web app using VS studio. I'm using SQL Server Express. During development I have been testing my web app on my server. Every time that I need to update my database I would simply delete my old database (located on my…
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3 answers

How do I change the code in a lambda while keeping the captured vars?

Lets say I have a REPL to a process running my Common Lisp code. It could be running SWANK/SLIME. I want to update a function defined with defun in my live process. The function may have captured some variables in a let binding. Essentially, this…
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4 answers

How to live update browser game attributes like the 4 resources in Travian game?

I would like to make a web-based game which is Travian-like (or Ikariam-like). The game will be in PHP & MySQL-based. I wonder how can I achieve the live updating of game attributes. For frontend, I can achieve by using AJAX calls (fetch the latest…
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2 answers

Meteor + MongoDB - display list of posts with their comments count

I'm very new to Meteor, so this question might sound awkward. I'm trying to display a list of all posts Posts = new Meteor.Collection('posts'); and then in Meteor.publish('posts', ...) return Posts.find(); and show a number of comments related to…
1 answer

update tableview if data is changed online

We are making an app for the hotel where we have already made an app where orders can be placed through app. All those orders can be seen on web portal by refreshing the page. Now client requested to create an app where waiter can see the order on…
Fahim Parkar
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2 answers

Trigger script when SQL Data changes

I'm trying to make a live react control panel, so when you push a button on the web control panel the data (true or false) goes to the SQL database (phpmyadmin) and the when the data changes te SQL database should trigger a script on the raspberry…
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1 answer

Dash Plotly Dashboard Update Dashboard Button

Here is a smaller Version of my Dashboard, the real one has multiple tabs etc. The Dashboard creates all charts from 4 files dfresult = pd.read_csv("result.csv", sep=",") dfradar = pd.read_csv("radar.csv", sep=",") dfoutput =…
Eric Stralsund
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1 answer

Sencha Ext JS hot reload / live update

I'm running Ext JS 6.2 and one feature I miss compared to new frameworks is hot reload / live reload during development (both for js files and css files). Press F5 every X second to refresh the page is time-wasting I tried to configure browsersync…
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1 answer

dynamic chart with Highcharts using json

I've a question about how to create a dynamic chart using json, I tried and my graph didn't show a result, when I checked out, I've no error with my code. This is my code :