Questions tagged [least-common-ancestor]

34 questions
35 answers

How to find the lowest common ancestor of two nodes in any binary tree?

The Binary Tree here is may not necessarily be a Binary Search Tree. The structure could be taken as - struct node { int data; struct node *left; struct node *right; }; The maximum solution I could work out with a friend was something…
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Determine least common ancestor at compile-time

There are tons of questions about the least common ancestor algorithm, but this one is different because I'm trying to determine the LCA at compile-time, and my tree is neither binary nor a search tree, even though my simplified version may look…
6 answers

Lowest Common Ancestor Algorithm

So I have been looking into implementing a lowest common ancestor algorithm. I looked at many different algorithms (mainly variations of Trajan's solution or variations of the RMQ). I am using a non-binary tree. My tree will often change between…
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Range Minimum Query approach (from tree to restricted RMQ)

So, I read this TopCoder tutorial on RMQ (Range Minimum Query), and I got a big question. On the section where he introduced the approach, what I can understand until now is this: (The whole approach actually uses methodology introduced in Sparse…
Shane Hsu
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How to finding first common ancestor of a node in a binary tree?

Following is my algorithm to find first common ancestor. But I don’t know how to calculate it time complexity, can anyone help? public Tree commonAncestor(Tree root, Tree p, Tree q) { if (covers(root.left, p) && covers(root.left, q)) …
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How do criss-cross merges arise in Git?

I have been going through the, "git merge-base", man page and I can't understand how multiple merge bases develop. Specifically, I'm hung up on the following illustration in the man page: When the history involves criss-cross merges, there can be…
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How to represent a non binary tree and how to do LCA on that tree?

How are non binary trees typically represented? Trees where there is no limit to the number of children a node can have. Is it best to use a Adjacency Matrix or Adjacency List and just assume there will be no cycles, or do something similar to…
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What are the practical applications of the lowest common ancestor algorithms?

I was having a look at this question and then reading about Tarjan's least common ancestors algorithm. I never came across any applications of LCA algorithms before. Where are such LCA algorithms commonly used?
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Find multiple LCAs in unrooted tree

I am trying to implement LCA for unrooted tree. I have given a tree (a connected undirected graph without cycles) and a sequence of queries about LCA for some root and two vertices. Every particular query can have different root, so I cannot use…
2 answers

Why is this implicit cast is not possible?

Given classes and interfaces below, I am wondering why implicit cast: ISomeModelAbstract x = new ConcreteClass(); Is impossible. I tried public interface ISomeModelAbstract where T: IBasicModel But then I cannot use GetById…
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How to compute a least common ancestor algorithm's time complexity?

I came into an article which talking about the LCA algorithms, the code is simple // Return #nodes that matches P or Q in the subtree. int countMatchesPQ(Node *root,…
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1 answer

Finding best common ancestor of two leaf nodes where nodes have zero, one, or two parents

Goal: I am looking for an algorithm to find the best common ancestor of a graph where nodes in the graph can have zero, one, or two parents. I am not sure of the terminology of "best common ancestor": better terminology might be "lowest common…
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LCA problem at interview

Sometimes I come across interview questions like this: "Find the common parent of any 2 nodes in a tree". I noticed that they ask LCA questions also at Google, Amazon, etc. As wikipedia says LCA can be found by intersection of the paths from the…
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3 answers

Is there a better way to find lowest common ancestor?

I know similar questions have been asked before, but I think my solution is far simpler. Especially compared to Wikipedia. Please prove me wrong! If you have a tree with nodes that have the given data structure: struct node { node * left; …
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modification to LCA code for binary tree to check if node is present in Java

I have this code, which calculates Least common Ancestor of given two nodes in a Binary tree. Currently, it assumes both nodes are present. I can write a helper method just to check if the nodes are present and then call the LCABT method. That would…
brain storm
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