Questions tagged [lead]

Accesses data from a subsequent row in the same result set without the use of a self-join in SQL Server 2017. LEAD provides access to a row at a given physical offset that follows the current row. Use this analytic function in a SELECT statement to compare values in the current row with values in a following row.

For further reading

228 questions
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"Originating Lead" field is empty after lead is qualified

The problem is that when I try to qualify a lead in Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2013 Online the "Originating Lead" field for newly created Opportunity is left empty. This is strange because all the mappings are there and it should be transfered. Does…
2 answers

do we have unsubscribe mail feature in openerp?

Do we have unsubscribe mail feature in openerp and if yes how to set it. I want to know when user receives mail from openerp can does it have that feature anywhere? How does mass mail works exactly in case of leads and opportunities? Any video…
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Salesforce Apex - Existing Contact used to create new lead

I would like to create after update APEX for salesforce that can take a contact and recreate it as a Lead when a field on the contact is checked true. Any help would be appreciated. Yeah so I think i need to make a list of the contacts that need to…
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Postgres : lag and lead with special conditions

Forgive what may be a silly question, but I'm not much of a database guru. Here is my table : id_data | val_no3 | id_prev | id_next --------+---------+---------+---------- 1 | | | 2 2 | 7 | | 3 | …
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Software developement and team lead

can you suggest some good reading for software development lead, I searched around and found some but they are rather old , do you have any good suggestion like an hands-on / reference book? I have found…
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Updating Old Data in CRM

I made a field named "Lead Type" in Lead Form.I also created a new field named "Account Type" in Account form. I create a new mapping between these two fields ie. when the value of "Lead Type" field is filled in the lead form and when we qualify…
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How to add multiple leads to particular campaign in crm 2011

i tried to add multiple leads to campaign using marketing list and it works fine. But i need to add directly from lead s Homepage by selecting multiple leads, is it possible. Thanks in advance.
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Need to copy customize fields from crm.lead to customer or partner

I have inherited an object from crm.lead and added some fields into it. its working fine but what I want that when I clicked on Create button to change lead to partner , those fields must be automatically copied from lead to customer. Remember I…
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How to get next row value based on previous row excluding week ends in SQL Server?

I have a table as follows: (Expected result without weekend exclude logic) Start Date End Date(Expected Date) No of…
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For looping over dates

So I have a dataframe called Swine_flu_cases that looks as follows (just an extract): Country Date Confirmed 1 Canada 2020-01-22 1 2 Egypt 2020-01-23 1 …
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sql sum 2 column values and sort records by 3 columns

I have columns - ip, port, pair, pair_status, length, length_to_fault, add_date. I need to sort everything by port, and each port has a pair(A,B,C,D) atleast once. when its sorted, i need to sort even more - i need to sort each pair in exact…
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How to create churn table from transactional data?

Currently my Transaction Table has customer's transaction data for each month. Account_ID identifies the customer's ID. Order_ID is the number of orders that the customer had made. Reporting_week_start_date is the week which begins on Monday where…
Shang Rong
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How to return a result set with non- overlapping start and end dates from given tables

SELECT * FROM dim_date ds 2018-01-01 2018-01-02 2018-01-03 ... ... SELECT * FROM "fact_metrics$partitions" ds 2018-01-04 2018-01-05 2018-01-06 ... ... 2018-08-23 ... ... Suppose *fact_metrics *has a data pipeline that is scheduled daily and…
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Field mapping result insert into mysql database

I am trying to finish the last function of a script that sync data added in Facebook lead form to MySQL database. I am trying to map MySQL columns to Facebook lead form fields then when new entry added in Facebook lead each content to be added to…
1 answer

How can i initialize the Source Type from Lead to Opportunity

It is possible to qualify a lead, when a lead is qualified a new opportunity is created. In the lead dialog it is possible to fill in a Source Type and Source ID. I want to fill in the opportunity I make from the lead, in this case: If I fill in a…
Mark Van
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