Questions tagged [churn]

Code churn measures quantify how much change is occurring in your project.

Code churn measures quantify how much change is occurring in your project. In general, high levels of churn indicate project instability. You should expect high rates of churn at the start of a product cycle or after the team has implemented many changes. Toward the end of an iteration or before a release, you should expect the level of churn to decrease, which indicates that your project is more stable.


45 questions
1 answer

How to measure C++ or Java file complexity?

I want to start measuring what Michael Feathers has referred to as the turbulence of code, namely churn vs. complexity. To do this, I need to measure the complexity of a C++ or Java file. So I found a couple tools that measure cyclomatic complexity…
1 answer

How to find churned customers on a monthly basis? Python Pandas

I have a large customer dataset, it has things like Customer ID, Service ID, Product, etc. So the two ways we can measure churn are at a Customer-ID level, if the entire customer leaves and at a Service-ID level where maybe they cancel 2 out of 5…
1 answer

How to transform and create a pandas column with 0 and 1 based on specific condition

I want to create a column churn as shown. The code should group and compare each year's column Col and assign 0 if it finds Col value in next year. In this example 3rd row is missing from 2017. Hence assigning 1. How do I do this in pandas? State ID…
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Churn Rate From Contract Start & End Dates

I am trying to calculate the churn rate of customer and all I have to play with is contract start & end dates. When the date year is 9999 it just means they are still a customer and I would like to consider account only who have a tenure of more…
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2 answers

How to compare two rows in pandas (across all columns), and sum the output?

I have data like this- User1 User2 User3 User4 User5 User6 User7 User8 w1 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 w2 0 1 0 0 1 1 1 1 w3 0 0 1 1 1 1 …
0 answers

Churn Prediction Model for an online fashion company

I have been working on a individual project with an online fashion company dataset. I aim building a churn prediction model. In order to do that I set a churn criteria such that a customer turns out to be churn with 12 months inactivity. But I have…
2 answers

How can I incorporate the prior weight in to my GLM function?

I am trying to incorporate the prior settings of my dependent variable in my logistic-regression in r using the glm-function. The data-set I am using is created to predict churn. So far I am using the function below: V1_log <- glm(CH1 ~ RET + ORD +…
Nienke Bos
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Feature selection in churn prediction

I have built a churn prediction model for a e-commerce company data. In the model, churn criterion is to be inactive for 12 months from the last available date in the data. While building the model, I created some calculated features to consider the…
2 answers

Calculate monthly churn rate in pandas

This is an example of the data I have in my dataframe: test = pd.DataFrame({ 'month': [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9], 'new': [23,45,67,89,12,34,56,90,12], 'drop': [2,4,7,9,1,4,6,9,1], }) month new drop 0 1 23 2 1 2 45 4 2 3 67 7 3…
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BTYD addecuation in R (List/Vector type matching)

I am working in a predictive model for churning. Thus, we decided to start to work with NBD/Pareto (BTYD Package, in R). I think the error ocurrs due to the data compatibility or, maybe, for other reasons that I cannot understand yet. First, I ran…
1 answer

Python: Cluster analysis on a monthly data with a lot of variables

I hope you guys can help me sort this out as I feel this is above me. It might be silly for some of you, but I am lost and I come to you for advice. I am new to statistics, data analysis and big data. I just started studying and I need to make a…
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1 answer

Circular Distributed Hash Table overlay P2P network

I think I'm missing something here or confusing terms perhaps. What happens to the key:value pairs stored at a peer in the overlay DHT when that peer leaves the p2p network? Are they moved to the new appropriate nearest successor? Is there a…
Adam Burke
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1 answer

How to map predicted values to unique id in dataset?

I have written this R code to reproduce. Here, I have a created a unique column "ID", and I am not sure how to add the predicted column back to test dataset mapping to their respective IDs. Please guide me on the right way to do…
Di sha
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1 answer

TFS Code Churn Counts Indentation

Being involved in a software measurement project. We want to use TFS Code churns to determine the size of each project we have. Following this instruction, we have reached the code churns in a specific duration of time. Unfortunately TFS counts…
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