Questions tagged [lapack]

LAPACK (Linear Algebra PACKage) is a software library package to solve linear algebra equations. LAPACK is written in Fortran 90.

LAPACK provides routines for solving systems of simultaneous linear equations, least-squares solutions of linear systems of equations, eigenvalue problems, and singular value problems. LAPACK is written in Fortran 90.

913 questions
4 answers

What is the relation between BLAS, LAPACK and ATLAS

I don't understand how BLAS, LAPACK and ATLAS are related and how I should use them together! I have been looking through all of their manuals and I have a general idea of BLAS and LAPACK and how to use them with the very few examples I find, but I…
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5 answers

How to check BLAS/LAPACK linkage in NumPy and SciPy?

I am builing my numpy/scipy environment based on blas and lapack more or less based on this walk through. When I am done, how can I check, that my numpy/scipy functions really do use the previously built blas/lapack functionalities?
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10 answers

MatLab error: cannot open with static TLS

Since a couple of days, I constantly receive the same error while using MATLAB which happens at some point with dlopen. I am pretty new to MATLAB, and that is why I don't know what to do. Google doesn't seem to be helping me either. When I try to…
Hans Meyer
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1 answer

Distributing Cython based extensions using LAPACK

I am writing a Python module that includes Cython extensions and uses LAPACK (and BLAS). I am open to using either clapack or lapacke, or some kind of f2c or f2py solution if necessary. What is important is that I am able to call lapack and blas…
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4 answers

Installing lapack for numpy

Running Ubuntu 11.10 + python2.7...built numpy from source and installed it, but when I go to install it, I get ImportError: /usr/lib/ undefined symbol: ATL_chemv when it tries to import lapack_lite from numpy.linalg. I tried to…
Richard Żak
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5 answers

Fastest way to negate a std::vector

Assume I have a std::vector of double, namely std::vector MyVec(N); Where N is so big that performance matters. Now assume that MyVec is a nontrivial vector (i.e. it is not a vector of zeros, but has been modified by some routine). Now, I…
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3 answers

How can I access a matlab/octave module from python?

I am looking for a way to access a matlab module from python. My current situation is this: I have a python code that does numerical computations by calling Lapack routines while the memory is allocated as ctypes and passed as pointers to the…
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4 answers

Computing the inverse of a matrix using lapack in C

I would like to be able to compute the inverse of a general NxN matrix in C/C++ using lapack. My understanding is that the way to do an inversion in lapack is by using the dgetri function, however, I can't figure out what all of its arguments are…
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4 answers

Building numpy with ATLAS/LAPACK support

I am trying to compile numpy v1.12 in order to get support for ATLAS/LAPACK routines. The problem The settings I am using for compilation do not appear to work in bringing ATLAS/LAPACK libraries into numpy. The setup I do not have admin privileges…
Alex Reynolds
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3 answers

Understanding LAPACK calls in C++ with a simple example

I am a beginner with LAPACK and C++/Fortran interfacing. I need to solve linear equations and eigenvalues problems using LAPACK/BLAS on Mac OS-X Lion. OS-X Lion provides optimized BLAS and LAPACK libraries (in /usr/lib) and I am linking these…
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2 answers

Mystified by qr.Q(): what is an orthonormal matrix in "compact" form?

R has a qr() function, which performs QR decomposition using either LINPACK or LAPACK (in my experience, the latter is 5% faster). The main object returned is a matrix "qr" that contains in the upper triangular matrix R (i.e. R=qr[upper.tri(qr)]).…
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1 answer

how to check if BLAS and ATLAS already installed

I'm trying to install armadillo library onto my linux system(ubuntu 12.04). The BOOST BLAS ATLAS and LAPACK is required first for the installation. Is there a way to check if those libraries are already installed or not?
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1 answer

Are valgrind "uninitialized value" warnings false positives in ATLAS multithreaded BLAS routines?

I am using ATLAS for LAPACK and multithreaded BLAS routines, and have noticed that when my matrices get large enough for ATLAS to use the multithreaded versions of BLAS, I get initialization errors from Valgrind. Here is a minimal example from my…
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1 answer

Is it possible to wrap a function from a shared library using F2PY?

I'm developing a package that requires Python bindings for the dgtsv subroutine from the LAPACK Fortran library. At the moment, I'm distributing the Fortran source file, dgtsv.f, alongside my Python code, and using numpy.distutils to automatically…
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2 answers

c++11 std::array vs static array vs std::vector

First question, is it a good thing to start using c++11 if I will develop a code for the 3 following years? Then if it is, what is the "best" way to implement a matrix if I want to use it with Lapack? I mean, doing std::vector >…
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