Questions tagged [language-interoperability]

Language Interoperability is the ability of code to interact with code that is written using a different programming language. Language Interoperability can help maximize code reuse and, therefore, improve the efficiency of the development process.

176 questions
24 answers

How to show loading spinner in jQuery?

In Prototype I can show a "loading..." image with this code: var myAjax = new Ajax.Request( url, {method: 'get', parameters: pars, onLoading: showLoad, onComplete: showResponse} ); function showLoad () { ... } In jQuery, I can load a server…
Edward Tanguay
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7 answers

Use C++ with Cocoa Instead of Objective-C?

I would like to write applications that use C++ and the Cocoa frameworks because Apple is not making Carbon 64-bit capable. C++ seems to be pretty vanilla in its implementation on Linux and Windows but on Mac OS X it seems like additional Apple…
Brock Woolf
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12 answers

How do multiple languages interact in one project?

I heard some people program in multiple languages in one project. I can't imagine how the languages interact with each other. I mean there is no Java method like myProgram.callCfunction(parameters); never happens or am I wrong?
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13 answers

Call Python function from MATLAB

I need to call a Python function from MATLAB. how can I do this?
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6 answers

What is marshalling? What is happening when something is "marshalled?"

I know this question has been asked, at least here. But there wasn't a satisfactory answer, at least not to me. There is a lot of talk about marshalling as regards interoperating with unmanaged code, but what about marshalling from one thread to…
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8 answers

What issues can I expect compiling C code with a C++ compiler?

If you take an existing C code base and compile it with a C++ compiler, what sort of issues can you expect to crop up? For example, I think that assigning an integer to an value with an enumerated type will fail in C++, whereas it's legal (if a bit…
3 answers

Can functions from the C standard library be used in C++?

Right now I'm getting familiar with C and the C standard library and I wonder if my knowledge in this area will be useful when I turn to working with C++ at a later time. Therefore I'd like to know, whether I can use the functions provided by the C…
Nimit Bhardwaj
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1 answer

How should I test Kotlin extension functions?

Can somebody tell me how should I unit-test extension functions in Kotlin? Since they are resolved statically should they be tested as static method calls or as non static ? Also since language is fully interoperable with Java, how Java unit test…
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9 answers

Embed bash in python

I am writting a Python script and I am running out of time. I need to do some things that I know pretty well in bash, so I just wonder how can I embed some bash lines into a Python script. Thanks
Open the way
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1 answer

"No known class method for selector" when using static Swift method on Objective-c

I have been given Objective C code and I need to add extra functionalities to it. I am very unfamiliar with Objective C so doing the most I possibly could on Swift would be very optimal for me. This is my Swift file/class: import Foundation import…
4 answers

How to convert from from java.util.Map to a Scala Map

A Java API returns a java.util.Map;. I would like to put that into a Map[String,Boolean] So imagine we have: var scalaMap : Map[String,Boolean] = Map.empty val javaMap = new JavaClass().map() // Returns…
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2 answers

Haskell Java Interoperability

What are current solutions to Haskell/Java interop? I've seen the paper on Lambada by Meijer and Finne. There is a project called GCJNI, but it seems to be defunct -- links to it are broken. Is there something that one could use out of the box?
Bartosz Milewski
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1 answer

Is it possible to call a C++ function from JavaScript in a QWebView?

I have a web page loaded in a QWebView. In there, I would like to have JavaScript call a function of my application. That function would then returns some strings that JavaScript would dynamically display. Can it be done using QWebView? Basically,…
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1 answer

C and Go interoperability issue involving

I've a Go function that wraps the proc_name(pid,...) function from lib_proc.h. This is the complete C prototype: int proc_name(int pid, void * buffer, uint32_t buffersize) __OSX_AVAILABLE_STARTING(__MAC_10_5, __IPHONE_2_0); that can be found here…
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3 answers

Swift & Objective-C project - generated -Swift.h error - Cannot find interface declaration for UIViewController

I've got a project using the Swift generated Bridging Header and have the project set up correctly (no spaces in Names, Uses Modules, pre-declaring Swift classes in my .mm file, Deleting derived data, doing a clean rebuild etc...). The Bridging…
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