Questions tagged [kiln]

Kiln is Fog Creek's distributed version control system based on Mercurial. Kiln aims to simplify the power of DVCS for teams of all sizes and includes an integrated code review system.

Kiln is Fog Creek's distributed version control system based on Mercurial.

Kiln aims to simplify the power of DVCS for teams of all sizes and includes an integrated code review system.

77 questions
8 answers

Sourcetree constantly asks for authenticate with Mercurial (Kiln)?

I'm running Lion latest with SourceTree. I tried to connect to a Fogbugz Kiln reponsitory, which succeeded, but whenever I PUSH or PULL Sourcetree consistently asks me for a username and password despite I saved it to my KeyChain. Anyone have any…
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6 answers

Why Kiln is based on Mercurial, and not other (D)VCS

What were the reason for chosing Mercurial as a basis of FogCreek Kiln, a source control management system with tightly integrated code review, and FogBugz integration? Why Mercurial, and not other (distributed) version control system, like Bazaar,…
Jakub Narębski
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2 answers

Push to multiple remote repositories from a single local repo in Mercurial

I was considering using AppHarbor to host a lightweight website and was investigating their Mercurial integration. Currently I use Kiln for my remote repositories, but currently AppHarbor only supports BitBucket integration. Is it possible to have 2…
Alastair Pitts
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1 answer

Is Kiln for your server being retired?

I was looking into the Kiln Harmony feature and saw that FogCreek only advertises it in On Demand. In the "How do you get it" section they don't even mention that it is not available for the On Premise version. So I went looking for details of the…
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3 answers

idiots checklist for mercurial with visual studio 2010

So Im a source control idiot so please humor me with this checklist. I finally decided to use Mercurial + TortoiseHg + (VS2010 + HgSccPackage) + Kiln for my next project. I read and I played around quite a bit, but I don't know…
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2 answers

How to full-text index a Mercurial repository?

What to do when hg log -k is not sufficient, and hg grep is just way too slow (cca. 100k changesets)? We have very bad experiences with Fisheye (way too slow), and Kiln seems to tie us into the FogCreek empire just a little bit too much. What other…
Lóránt Pintér
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2 answers

Choosing a Mercurial hosting

I'm looking for a Mercurial hosting which is free. (I'm only a student right now.) And it seems like it boils down to Bitbucket or Project Hosting on Google Code. (Other suggestions are welcome.) So, how do these services compare in terms of…
Jungle Hunter
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5 answers

Create a new branch, made a lot of changes, how to view list of files changed?

So there was a new branch created where we made some breaking changes to the codebase. Now we are going to merge, but before that I want to get a list of all the files that were changed in the branch. How can I get a list of files? I tried: hg…
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4 answers

Automated sync between Github and Kiln

I am a frontend designer and don't have a large programming background. I do CSS/html and a bit of JavaScript. The tech team at our company has moved our version control from Git (github) to Mercurial (Kiln). The only reason for them is to get the…
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1 answer

Has anyone created a homegrown source control add-in for NAV that uses Mercurial

We use Mercurial for our source control for C# and Progress code. We are now developing in Microsoft's Dynamic NAV. There is no built-in source control and it's awkward (and error-prone) to manually put code in/out of our Mercurial repository for…
Doug J. Huras
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4 answers

how to ignore files in kiln/mercurial using tortoise hg "that are part of the repository"

We use tortoise hg with Kiln. In my vs 2010 c# project there are some files that are part of the repository but I would like tortoise hg to ignore them when I make a commit. For eg., say in a login screen I may hard code the userid, password for…
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4 answers

TFS vs FogBugz Kiln

What are the issues we may face if we move from TFS to Fogbugz Kiln? currently we are using TFS for source control, we are looking at the option to move to Kiln. we are completely Microsoft development tools based company since we use Visual Studio…
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1 answer

How to remove largefiles from Mercurial repo

See also this question. Without knowing what I was doing, I enabled the largefiles extension, committed a file and pushed it to kiln. Now I know the error of my ways, and I need to permanently revert this change. I followed the guidance from SO on…
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1 answer

Is there a way to provide self-hosted web-based forking of Mercurial repos like BitBucket/Kiln?

I'm currently using self-hosted SVN with Trac for a FOSS project, and am slowly moving to Mercurial. I've got HgWeb set up, so I can view the repository and check out over HTTP, but I'd like to be able to offer web-based branching a la BitBucket,…
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7 answers

Why isn't database version control considered as important as application version control?

I've recently started using Kiln Source Control for all my projects VB.NET code, and I don't know how I managed without it! I've been looking for a database source control, for all my stored procedures, UDFs etc. However, I've found that there is…
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