Questions tagged [keyrelease]

A transition triggered by a key released event. Keys can be specified either by the ASCII character they represent or by their keycode.

A transition triggered by a key released event. Keys can be specified either by the ASCII character they represent or by their keycode.

Especially For JAVA: KeyRelease Tutorial

Some useful Links: Docs

49 questions
1 answer

change the word ي to ی in jtext field

i need change the word ي to ی in jtext field if user write ي in jtext field that word must be change to ی like this شیمي = شیمی ي = ی I think I should use the listener and keyrelease but I do not know how?! or change ی to م for me? شیمی = شیمم every…
1 answer

QT: When to use QT::keyRelease

I'm writing a test app that tests another application with a bunch of menus. I simulate keyPresses by using QT::keyPress. However, at some point it doesn't accept keyPresses anymore, until I learned you need to use keyRelease as well (according to…
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2 answers

Handling Key press & release events in MVVM

I am developing a wpf application using MVVM pattern. I need to separately handle Key press & release events, (e.g. in media players fwd/rev happen till user keeps key pressed & stops when he releases). After searching a lot, still I couldn't find…
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Playing music on loop until a key is released. Python

I'm making a little GUI with python, using cocos2d and pyglet modules. The GUI should play a sound while the "h" is pressed and stop when it is released. The problem here is that I can't find a solution to this. After searching this site I've found…
1 answer

UWP detect keyboard presses and release

I do not want to use a paint canvas or virtual keyboard, simply fire an event when key_A is pressed and another event when released. I looked at UIElement.keydown, but it seems to work with onscreen keys only
Salah Alshaal
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2 answers

What to use to create search engine using onKeyReleased event

I am trying to create a search bar which will search the entered string or character from db. While first character is typed in textfield it should wait for next 200ms, if next character is entered within that time then it will restart the counter…
Sohail Shaikh
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1 answer

JOGL, com.jogamp.newt.event.KeyListener problems

So, we have an application structure as following: in the EC_GUI constructor I initialize the glViewer private void initGlViewer() { /** * Viewer. */ glViewer = new GLViewer(); glViewer.setup(); …
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0 answers

Can't select keyRelease or KeyPress action

In my java swing user registration form I'm trying to save User name, Job, UserName and Password. I save UserName and Password in my login table. This is my table structure. login : un(Primary_key), Password, type, oldPw So In my username…
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2 answers

Need help on KeyEvents

simple question. I'm trying to re-create the game Pong. I've got the graphics that I want on the screen with the two paddles moving with KeyEvents. My only problem is that when I release one key the other paddle stops as well (if both are moving at…
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0 answers

Java Key Release Not Stopping

I'm trying to to get my character to move left and right, and then stop when you take your fingers off of the left or right arrow keys but what keeps happening is he keeps going. Here is my keypressed: public void keyPressed(KeyEvent e) { int…
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1 answer

JComboBox loading with KeyRelease

here my requirement is when I type something in combo box it should search the DB and get related data.when I'm typing it should fix to the exact data removing unwanted values..Here is my code..nothing happen private void ComboItemName() { bbb =…
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qt keyPress/keyRelease notify work differently on Vista and Linux

I found that the keyPress event is never fired until the key is actually released on Linux . This behavior is different on vista. Here is a piece of code from my application. The difference happens when I do the following sequence: 1) CTRL key…
1 answer

How to Type URL using Robot class in Java

I want to create program which can type automatically using following methods: robot.keyPress(code); robot.keyRelease(code); but i can not press Any Special Characters, It throws Exception like: Exception in thread "main"…
Pratik Butani
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how to enlarge the image in lwuit button using key presses events in lwuit

Using LCDUI I have worked with key events it was successful. But I developed my whole application in lwuit I don't want to switch from lwuit to lcdui. Any body help me while pressing buttons I want to zoom In and Zoom out the image. Is there any key…
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1 answer

JComboBox KeyReleased event not working

I'm using a JComboBox to search a query from a sql DB. I want to search query when a letter is typed. I'm using net beans IDE. Here is the automated code. srch.addKeyListener(new java.awt.event.KeyAdapter() { public void…
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