Questions tagged [keyboard-input]

101 questions
1 answer

How to set the focus on a specific element in a uifigure?

I have an application where an SVG image is presented to the user, and they need to fill in two edit fields based on what is presented. Since the process needs to be repeated many times, I concluded it would be best for speed and efficiency if user…
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Issue in filling up dynamic array from keyboard input[C]

I've implemented my own dynamic array data structure in c and now i am looking for a way to fill them up without losing their dynamicity. If i write something like char str[ANY_CONSTANT]; fgets(str, ANY_CONSTANT, stdin); The number of elements i…
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What's the difference between undefined and unassigned virtual key codes?

I was wondering if there is any difference between undefined and unassigned virtual key codes and if there is any known reason of why they're seemingly spread randomly in the numeric sequence rather than grouped together for example at the end. Is…
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keyDown(with:) Not Called on Custom ViewController or View, Only WindowController

I have moved most of the core functionality of my non-document based macOS app to a custom, embedded framework. The app code has a standard main storyboard with an initial window, and the window has a "window content" relationship/segue into a…
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How is KeyboardState.GetPressedKeys() organised?

I've looked around, does anyone know if KeyboardState.GetPressedKeys() (in Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Input) returns the keys in an organised collection (most recent first or last in the list) or some disorganised unpredictable list?
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How to change an image depending on keyboard and mouse activitiy?

I tried to change the user availability between offline & online by changing the image of the user (red offline, green online). I am using this code to change the user status from online to offline based on keyboard and mouse events: public sealed…
Med Amin
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NASM unexpected output when printing

I am new have very small problem with assembly NASM in linux. I made simple program for practice that when you put in the text, it adds simple decoration in form of stars. The expected output…
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SFML Backspace Isn't Triggering More Than Once

so I'm working with SFML here, and I basically want to make a string out of entered letters. SFML has a built in thing to check if keys are pressed inside of a window, and it also has one to detect if it is something specific like a backspace, so I…
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How can I hide Keyboard input in Android from Unity?

How can I hide Keyboard input in Android from Unity? can anyone please help? Issue in Detail: I can not hide keyboard input in android as hide mobile input works in iOS. What I have tried till now: if I use on edit, there is a problem that the…
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How to implement low latency keyboard/mouse input for UWP application?

I got stuck at this basic matter. I can't find any other way to obtain input but through CoreWindow class (handling KeyDown/KeyUp/PointerMoved events or calling GetKeyState in the loop). I thought that I had to deal with input device directly, but…
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GLFW key input on GNOME 3 desktop

I've a problem with GLFW3 on a GNOME 3 desktop. I've tested this on several Linux machines, including a fresh installed Ubuntu 16.04 LTS machine (with Unity). The problem occurs in every GLFW3 application. If i press and hold any key, a normal key…
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How to restart keyboard input method without logout/in in linux

I am using nabi (keyboard input method) to switch between Hangul(Korean) and English. A few days ago, I changed my keyboard with no Hangul key, which was the toggle key. I changed the toggle key setting in nabi to shift + space, but it seems to have…
Hoseung Choi
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Foreign character keyboard input in C# XNA

XNA supports only English keyboards, so I want to use System.Windows.Forms's KeyPress event. But I can't. Why? I tried my own codes: // 1st FromHandle(Window.Handle).FindForm().KeyPress += new…
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Cannot reach elm Tick action

I'm hoping someone might be able to help me out here with Signals and Effects. I'm looking into Signals/Effects and have been studying the-elm-architecture, particularly example 8. In this example (as I understand it), if you click on the shape(s)…
Denim Demon
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Automate Free Hotspot Login

A hotspot in my area requires authentication every hour. I am trying to automate the process so that it requires no user input. I am using OS X for this. I have a bash script that does this: sudo ifconfig en1 down sudo ifconfig en1 up networksetup…