Questions tagged [keyboard-input]

101 questions
1 answer

Reading multiple simultaneous keyboard inputs using javascript

I've been noticing some odd behaviour with keyboard input in JavaScript. I may be missing something really obvious here, but are there some kind of rules regarding which keys are allowed to be pressed simultaneously? I'm using boolean variables to…
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How do I get a char obtained by holding shift?

I'll try to explain better what I mean, and I'll also try to keep the question free from language, though if there is a way to do what I want in C# without having to reference anything it'd be nice. Anyway. I am handling keyboard input, and…
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ncurses getch() skipping every second character

I'm writing a Tetris game with ncurses getting keyboard input with getch(). For the finished game nodelay() will be active but for testing purposes I have it commented out. For some reason the input function called by my game loop is ignoring every…
Reid A
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HTML/Javascript: Outputting keyboard strokes to URL Parameters

I'll first explain my overall goal and then the question itself. Overall Goal: To send commands to an Arduino board that is connected to a router. A computer will be connected to the router over wifi. The Arduino will serve a local website that the…
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Can't input in command prompt when using keytool to generate key pair (public and private keys) and a signing certificate

I can't provide any input from my keyboard or from the on-screen keyboard when using keytool to generate key pair (public and private keys) and a signing certificate. This problem occurs only when executing this command not in any other…
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insert a span in a contenteditable, and then user can not continue input after and out the span that just be insert

the code target : when user press space, auto input a span, and then user can continue input, when i trace them in the devtools,range.setEnd(lasttextnode, 0); and range.collapse() run in right way, but the keyboard input is not right, i set the…
defend orca
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int 21h ah 02h doesn't work for some reason

My task is to read a number from a terminal (aka atoi) and then write it back to terminal (aka itoa). To read a string I use int 21h, ah 0ah. It seems nice when I check it in the debugger. And then my atoi and itoa also look nice except that in itoa…
0 answers

How to consume XEvent when using Xinput 2?

I am looking at this example. I'm trying to write a program that will run in background and listen to all keyboard events. That program should be able to discard some of the keyboard input. In before mentioned example, key logger doesn't consume…
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Jenkins windows batch file user input: Press any key to start issue

I am trying to run a windows batch file by jenkins on slave windows machine. The batch file requires “Press any key to continue” input which is not possible atleast for me during job build. Any ideas how can i pass keyboard input to batch file…
2 answers

Elm : Combining both actions.signal and keyboard input in foldp

Currently I'm experimenting with elm (so consider me a beginner) and was wondering about the following, I have defined the following model : model = foldp update initialModel actions.signal I understand how foldp works, it calls my update method to…
Koen Certyn
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Java Strings and non-ASCII input from keyboard

So I am trying to take non-ASCII text from the keyboard (, Chinese characters for example, and place this text into a String object. But I've been having some trouble in doing so. My first attempt used a Scanner object: try(Scanner…
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3 answers

Using WINAPI ReadConsole

I am trying to use the WINAPI ReadConsole() to wait for any keypress at the end of my Win32 console application. CONSOLE_READCONSOLE_CONTROL tControl; char pStr[65536]; DWORD dwBufLen = 1; DWORD dwCtl; tControl_c.nLength = sizeof(…
Jim Fell
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Input from console window in game

when you want to input in console window and you hold a key down for a moment, the output is displayed but after a bit of some lag. for example, in any type of common text editors you would see the same result. is there anyway to get a direct input…
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what is the preferred way to java awt keyboard input

I seen many conflicting recommendations on the internet including here on how to handle input with awt and swing and several people have worked on my code and its a mess. options implement KeyListener or extend KeyAdapter ^to the application's main…
Old Badman Grey
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HTML/CSS Single Key Input

I am developing the Snake game to practice my HTML/JS/CSS skills. I want to have a menu screen that lets the user choose the keyboard keys that control the left/right/up/down movements. I know that I could use an input tag and limit the maximum…
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