Questions tagged [kaios]

KaiOS is a web-based mobile operating system developed by KaiOS Technologies Inc. It is forked from B2G (Boot to Gecko), an open source community-driven successor of Firefox OS which was discontinued by Mozilla in 2016.

KaiOS is a web-based mobile operating system developed by KaiOS Technologies Inc. It is forked from B2G (Boot to Gecko), an open source community-driven successor of Firefox OS which was discontinued by Mozilla in 2016. The first release was published in March 2017. A small range of mobile phones is shipped with KaiOS mainly to the US, Europe, and India. In 2018, Google invested $22M in the operating system according to TechCrunch. In 2019, KaiOS Technologies secures $50 million of Series B funding.

49 questions
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Can we communicate over USB Serial from KaiOS App?

I am quite new to KaiOS and was wondering if it is possible to build an app that sends / receives serial communications (for instance communicate with Arduino) over a physical cable connected to the phone. I am currently doing it on Android using…
0 answers

KaIOs - Kaiads Frequency capping in effect. kaios ads not resopond ontime

I want add kai-ads for a phaser 3 pong game when score is 5th, 10th, 15th, 20th. but its not work properly, and get error code 7 (Frequency capping is the limit on how often the device can request for an ad, please try again later.) actually…
2 answers

How to insert a 3rd party library in ReactJS app

It works perfectly in pure JS, but now I'm trying to import the library for KaiOS SDK avert in my ReactJS app, and I can't, the compilation always fail with this message : Line 230:9: 'getKaiAd' is not defined no-undef how to do this !? (js…
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BluetoothManager property, mozBluetooth in KaiOS returns undefined

I have been wprking on a KaiOS application that communicates with a Smart Watch using Bluetooth as a medium of communication. When I invoke the "navigator.mozBluetooth", it returns an undefined object. I have included the "bluetooth": {} permission…
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AbortError: "Error retrieving push subscription."

I am trying to implement Push notification in the KaiOS app. It's working fine in Chrome and Firefox browser (showing notification whenever the server pushes a message to the client). But in the emulator, it's showing error like this DOMException…
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KaiOS: unable to install hosted app from inside packaged app

I am trying to install a hosted KaiOS app, from inside my packaged KaiOS app. Error: error: DOMError message: "" name: "BACKGROUND_APP" Code: var manifestLocation = 'http://localhost:3000/manifest.webapp'; // your domain…
Shishir Arora
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1 answer

Firebase Cloud Messaging - getToken() error in JS SDK

I am developing an app for KaiOS, a fork of the old Firefox OS, for which apps are based on HTML5 + JS. When compiling and running on device, Firebase Cloud Messaging stops working. I receive an error as follows. TypeError: 'applicationServerKey'…
1 answer

How to share link on Facebook from own application (KaiOS feature phone)

I am trying to share a link to Facebook from own application. Below are the steps/code snippet used: On click of some media item, on click of Options menu user can select Facebook. var activity = new MozActivity({ name: "share", data: { …
Vishal Kukreja
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Event when enters app and exits from app on KaiOS

I need to do some actions when app is launched and exited on KaiOS. Do we have access to the event? Tried window load unload event, seems not triggered. Tried also react component did mount life cycle method also does not trigger on those events.
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Is there any possibilty to build an application that runs virtually without being installed on the mobile phone?

I wanna build an application that runs virtually on a mobile phone which doesn't need to be installed. I want it such a way that I can run and access that virtual application with some sort of link or something. Is there any possibility to build…
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2 answers

Are websocket, playing audio in background, and storing files locally possible in KaiOS app?

I am planning to develop a chat and voice messaging app in KaiOS, but want to make sure whether these things are possible in KaiOS: web sockets in background (can receive the data when app is not opened) playing audio in background without user…
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Getting Error while opening hosted KaiOS app

I have a manifest.webapp hosted at my application root (https://localhost:5001/manifest.webapp), when I open it in KaiOS simulator, I get the following error: Unable to access the app starting document https://localhost:5001/, got HTTP code…
Shishir Arora
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Date Input Focus/Edit

When focusing on input with type date the simulator brings up the Date edit dialog, but am unable to edit the value. Seem as if keystrokes are still being reported to the current DOM and not the date dialog?
Jan de Jager
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What will be the response of navigator.platform in KaiOS browser?

I am developing a web application and in a scenario, wanted to know that what will be the response of navigator.platform in the KaiOS browser?
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Unable to set Constraints to MediaRecorder in JavaScript for Mozilla Firefox OS (KaiOS)

I am creating a MediaRecorder app for KaiOS. I wanted to disable noiseSuppression and set several other constraints as specified here. I observed that these constraints are not being respected while I set them in my code. I still get noise…
Gaurav Deochakke
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