Questions tagged [kafka-topic]

150 questions
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kafka producer - how to know which key will go to what partition?

I am aware of kafka console producer command and it is quite handy. I want to know is there a way to know for sure which key will go to which partition when we have key as well? Assuming we have 10 partitions in kafka topic, how will producer decide…
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Does the same Kafka partitions of the same topic on different brokers contains the same messages ( duplicate each other)?

Broker 1: +-------------------+ | Topic 1 | | Partition 0 | | | | | | Topic 2 | | Partition 1 | +-------------------+ Broker 2: +-------------------+ | Topic 1 | | …
J.J. Beam
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What is the ideal number of partitions in kafka topic?

I am learning Kafka and trying to create a topic for my recent search application. The data being pushed to kafka topics is assumed be a high number. My kafka cluster have 3 brokers and there are already topics created for other requirements. Now…
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Unable to delete Kafka topic using AdminClient deleteTopic

I am using Kafka_2.12 version 2.3.0. For topic delete purpose I am using the below code snippet AdminClient adminClient = KafkaAdminClient.create(conf); adminClient.deleteTopics(Collections.singleton(topic)); But when the above code is being…
Abhishek Gharai
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kafka is not electiong new leader after 2 nodes are down

we test scalein in enviorment with 3 kafka nodes each one has a broker and zookeeper service on in the replica.factor=2 after the service went down on 2 nodes the leader of the partition stayed the old one and didnt movve to the only node that is…
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Streaming database data to Kafka topic without using a connector

I have a use case where I have to push all my MySQL database data to a Kafka topic. Now, I know I can get this up and running using a Kafka connector, but I want to understand how it all works internally without using a connector. In my spring boot…
1 answer

How to align my consumer to consume 2 depending topics

I have this use case that I have 2 topics Topic 1 (Units) -> P0 / Topic 2 (Reservations) -> P0 I have a single consumer that needs to have the up to data from both topics/partitions in order to take the correct decision (either delete a unit if not…
Ahmed Alaa El-Din
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How do I ask kafka which topics have extraordinary overrides?

I understand my default retention period, but I want to see if any topics have special overrides for the retention period. I've tried using the kafka-topics, but it doesn't connect with zookeeper. kafka-topics --zookeeper localhost:2181 --describe…
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source kafka connect not publish with timestamp mode

I try to create a source Kafka connect with timestamp mode in Windows. I have this table: CREATE TABLE "usu"."mytable" ( "first_name" CHAR(8 BYTE) DEFAULT ' ', "last_name" CHAR(8 BYTE) DEFAULT ' ', "regist" TIMESTAMP (0) DEFAULT…
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Kafka: Topic vs Partition data

Going through Kafka documentation and various other resources, I understand that messages in Kafka are organized into topics. Also, a topic can be broken down into partitions and each partition can be hosted on a different server. This gives…
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Delete messages and reset topic offset to 0 irrespective of consumer group

I need to create a Kafka setup where at the start of each day, all messages in a topic must get deleted and its offset reset to 0. I have tried to do this by setting log.retention to 1 day but it didn't seem to work. I also ran…
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How to mount volume for kafka through docker-compose file?

I am using "wurstmeister/kafka" docker image with latest tag. Whenever I tried to stop & start the kafka container, it will start container with default configuration. How can I mount volume, so that data persists even when container stops or…
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How to read Kafka Topic line by line in Flink program

First, I load a CSV file in Kafka topic and I can print the Topic via Flink program in. The code is in following: final StreamExecutionEnvironment env = StreamExecutionEnvironment.getExecutionEnvironment(); Properties prop = new Properties(); …
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NestedError: topic/partition change check failed

Suddenly I got an issue in running process of apache kafka consumer group. Anyone please share your thoughts on why this issue happens. NestedError: topic/partition change check failed at _checkTopicPartitionChange…
2 answers

High Scalability Question: How to sync data across multiple microservices

I have the following use cases: Assume you have two micro-services one AccountManagement and ActivityReporting that processes event U. When a user registers, event U containing the user information will published into a broker for the two…
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