Questions tagged [kafka-topic]

150 questions
0 answers

Zookeeper: cnxn.saslServer is null and Kafka:the quorum member's saslToken is null

To provide access to only kafka for creating, deleting topics, I am creating a plaintext SASL security between kafka and zookeeper. I get the following error and can not figure out why. zookeeper_1 | 2020-07-20 10:19:06,907 [myid:] - ERROR…
1 answer

How to update data in Kafka/Kafka stream?

Lets suppose there is Kafka topic orders. Data is stored in JSON format: { "order_id": 1, "status": 1 } Status defines status of order (pending - 1, completed - 2). How to change it on completed when it is finished? As I know Kafka topic…
1 answer

How to separate topic partitions into multiple kafka servers?

I want to separate topic partitions into multiple kafka servers like on this picture. Example: I have only one topic "Test", I have two kafka servers (k1, k2), I have 4 partitions of topic "Test". I want to server k1 have partitions 0 and 1, and…
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Kafka Multiple Topic vs Single Topic Plus Filter

I have the below use case which I have to subscribe to the stock trading system. What I need from the upstream trade data are: timestamp, ticker, price, buy or sell, volume As downstream, I am not interested in all stocks but a list of stocks stored…
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Consumer_failed_message in kafka stream: Records not pushed from topic

I have a flow where from IBM mainframe IIDR, I am sending records to Kafka topic. The value_format of the message coming to Kafka topic is AVRO and the key is in AVRO format too. The records are pushed into the Kafka topic. I have a stream…
0 answers

Does increase in partition for a Kafka topic gets logged in some log file

I am using Kafka's 0.8.2 version. I have a topic say test. The initial partition count for this topic is 10. Recently the partition count for this topic got increased to 20. There are multiple ways by which this can be achieved. Either from…
Ajay Kr Choudhary
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3 answers

Kafka Topic Creation with --bootstrap-server gives timeout Exception (kafka version 2.5)

When trying to create topic using --bootstrap-server, I am getting exception "Error while executing Kafka topic command: Timed out waiting for a node" :- kafka-topics --bootstrap-server localhost:9092 --topic boottopic --replication-factor 3…
1 answer

Where to set parameters min.insync.replicas and acks in Java?

I need to set two parameters min.insync.replicas and acks. The official documentation says that the parameter min.insync.replicas is the broker's parameter. Do I understand correctly that for all topics it should be specified inside the…
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What happens in Kafka if you create a new partition for a topic?

I read on some guides online that if you are using key ordering the new partition will eventually break that ordering, I really can't see how. Is this really what happens ?
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Apache-Kafka: Issue in creating topic using windows cmd

I am new to Apache-Kafka.I am using: zookeeper-3.6.0 kafka-2.13-2.4.1 Windows-7 Earlier i was able to create and list topics on the same machine. After i restarted my system, i am unable to create and list topics. I am getting below…
1 answer

Spark Structured Streaming- Is it possible to write the offset twice

I am using spark structured streaming to consume data from kafka topic and write the data into another kafka sink. I want to store the offset twice - once when reading from the topic and stire the offset. Secondly- when writing the data onto…
1 answer

Topic deletion from Zookeeper

I have deleted topic directly from Zookeeper using the below command and did not execute deletion from Kafka before: localhost:2181 rmr /brokers/topics/ Now what I see is that the topic shows up in the log.dirs of at…
Preethi Jahnavi
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2 answers

How to view topic properties in Apache Kafka

i want to view topic level properties something like "message.timestamp.type": "LogAppendTime", "cleanup.policy":"compact" is it possible to view what all properties is set at topic level? is there any command where i can view my topic level…
Mohit Singh
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1 answer

How to get the serialization format of a Kafka topic?

Apart from using Confluent Schema Registry, is there a way (via the built-in CLI tools) to view the serialization format of a topic's key and value?
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number of kafka topic partitons and number of different keys in data

I want to use key/value pattern writing to Kafka in order to keep the same order of data writing while reading it. My question is should the number of partitions in the topic be equal to the number of different keys in the incoming data. I already…
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