Questions tagged [jxtaskpane]

15 questions
1 answer

Put new component on JXTaskPane

The JXTaskPane used in Java Swing has a title bar. There is a expand/shrink button in it. I would like to be able to add my own actions in the titlebar that would appear beside the expand/shrink button. How can I do this? I try myself many times,…
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3 answers

Java Swing: Do something when a component has *finished* resizing

Apologies for the somewhat unclear question - couldn't think of a better way of putting it. I use a JXTaskPane (from the Swing labs extension API) to display some information. The user can "click" the title to expand the panel. The JXTaskPane is in…
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2 answers

How to change the bg color of JXTaskPaneContainer

I want to change blue background color to white of taskpanecontainer. I have used below line but nothing is effected by this line. UIManager.put("TaskPaneContainer.background", Color.LIGHT_GRAY); Please give me some idea to change bg color. …
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Can the dimensions of header area of JXTaskPane be changed?

I am using JXTaskPane component. I want to know whether one can change the dimensions of the top part of the task pane i.e. the area where title of the task pane is displayed. If yes, please let me know how?
Nayan Soni
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Creating a new component using java in netbeans

I am developing a software for my university project. I am using java to develop my desktop application. For that I want to add a component like this: I want to add a component which are like ones in…
2 answers

Java Swing JXTaskPane: how to set bg and border?

I have written the following example code: import org.jdesktop.swingx.*; import javax.swing.*; import java.awt.*; public class TaskPaneExample{ public static void main(String[] args) { SwingUtilities.invokeLater(new Runnable() { …
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Smack API - How to display loop jxTaskpane for expand and collapse roster list

i have problem to display Taskpane for loop. i have a code to get the groups of roster (Groups : Friends - Business - Company, so on) my code is : Roster rost = xmppcon.getRoster(); Collection groups = rost.getGroups(); …
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How to check if selected text contains content control or not in word 2016 using word Javascript api

I have created a task pane for word 2016 which has two buttons such as 'addcontentcontrol' and 'retrievecontentcontrol' . Adding a content control in document works fine.When i select that content control's text and hit 'retrievecontentcontrol',it…
2 answers

Pretty JPanels in Swing

I'm currently working on making my Swing application look better. I want to achieve something along these lines: The idea is for each box to have a pretty header with a background similar to the above image. The closest I can get to anything like…
Andy Smith
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Swing option other than JxTaskPane

I am using JxTaskPane to add menu items ..but i don't want to use it, as i don't want that expand and collapsed type of container .. i just want to arrange my menu items horizontally. If i add it to panel than i am unable to add actions to it as…
Tushar Agarwal
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1 answer

How do I set a JXTaskPane to be collapsed by default?

Is there a method that sets a JXTaskPane to collapsed by default? Or could you give me some idea how to make a method for what I need?
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SwingX and NetBeans 6.9.1 GUI designer (JXCollapsiblePane/JXTaskPane)

I am new in SwingX and I have trouble using JXCollapsiblePane and JXTaskPane using Pallete manager of Netbeans 6.9.1 Specifically: For JXTaskPane: I drag a JXTaskPaneContainer from pallete manager in a JForm I drag a JXTaskPane from pallete…
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JXTaskPane expanding when set collapsed on startup

I have a strange behavior happening with a JXTaskPane added to a JPanel. The JXTaskPane has lists of multiple (expandable) sections of icons and then it is added to JXTaskPaneContainer. The taskPaneContainer is then added to the JPanel. This JPanel…
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1 answer

Find and remove a JXTaskpane from a JXTaskPaneContainer

I have a model view controller application. The view contains a JXTaskContainer with several JXTaskPane. The JXTaskPane has a delete button that will remove it from the container. How can I find the right JXTaskPane and then delete it from the…
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1 answer

office-js #Excel Add-in taskpane

I have created a excel web-addin. I have few drop-downs in my taskpane. when i save and reopen the excel sheet the data remains as it is on excel sheet but i would like to get the data on the task pane too.. can any one help