Questions tagged [jxcore]

JXcore is a fork of the open source Node.js project

JXcore is a Node.JS distribution (forked from v0.12) with additional features. Our goal was to support multiple (isolated) instances running on the same process without limiting capabilities of the framework since Google’s V8 engine already supports multiple and concurrent isolates. Every single isolate has its own heap memory and garbage collection!

Any single threaded application can benefit from multithreaded core without any code or behavior change. Please note that ‘multi threading’ term used here refers to multiple separate instances inside the same process but different threads.

Under certain conditions, multiple isolates make JXcore more responsive and capable of handling expensive operations compared to multi process models because of not having cross process communication and synchronization. Besides the performance gain, it also helps reach beyond V8′s memory limitation. Every single thread has its own ‘separate’ heap memory space.

Code protection & packaging is another feature of JXcore. It offers complete source code protection for your server-side javascript code and combines all the related files into one.

JXcore also includes a clustering-capable Messaging API with Android, iOS, .NET, Mono and Browser clients.

55 questions
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Running Node.Js on Android

So I know this has been questioned quite a lot. To be exact for example in these questions: Run NodeJs server in Android How to run my node.js project on android? and NodeJS on IOS/Android Every option presented has a problem though: I want…
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How to choose between Node.js and JXcore?

JXcore seems to be improved Node.js. Check this carefully designed quote: JXcore comes with a built-in multithreading support that can be enabled on your existing Node.js applications without additional changes... JXcore multithreading may…
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How to detect from nodejs which JavaScript engine it is running on?

There are now several forks of nodejs and some of them support JavaScript engines other than Google's V8 engine. For my node code to see which JS engine it is running under, what is currently the best way? The engines I am aware of are: Google's V8…
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jxcore crashed at JX_CreateEmptyObject in sub instance creation thread

I am currently working on embedding jxcore to my robotic system program.When i am testing embedding api ,i produced the following code: #include "stdafx.h" #include "ScriptEngine.h" #include #include "thread" #include "mutex" int…
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Can JXcore work with ChakraCore on Windows 7?

I've downloaded the latest JXcore installer for Windows and when installing it offers me a choice of V8 (Chrome's Javascript engine) or SpiderMonkey (Firefox's JavaScript engine), but not ChakraCore (the OSS version of the JavaScript engine from…
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JXCore not running on browser platform

I want a JXCore application that can run on android, ios and the browser platforms. I have used the express sample project provided by JXCore and tested it on my android tablet without any problems. However when I run it on the browser platform, it…
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5 answers

Running node.js in iOS/Android

Yes, the question seems a little bit weird (why to run server on mobile device and not access server via REST service), but still I'd like to get your opinions about it and I really need it to run on the device. For the moment I found jxcore…
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How to pass arguments to a JXCore native application?

I created a NodeJS application and I used JXCore with the -native flag to produce a stand alone .exe. Now I'm trying to run the application and to pass some command line arguments. It is working fine with the NodeJS app but not with the…
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Node.js stream write in loop

I was trying to benchmark some node.js native functionalities lately and found out some creepy results I cannot understand. Here's a simple code that I benchmarked and benchmark results: You can see that it did healthy…
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JXcore vs Electron

question I am wondering what the main differences are between Electron and JXcore. background I was thinking about how I could make a NodeJS server into an app and I came across both of these. They seem to do the same thing, except that JXcore…
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How to install JXcore with Visual Studio and Cordova

I am working on a small project, and I am new to Cordova. I am reusing some old scripts I made for use with Node.JS but Cordova is missing many of the functions they require. I read about is and learned JXcore may be the solution to this problem,…
1 answer

Observe & Synchronize extremely large JavaScript Objects

actually i am working on a Project which requires to observe very large JavaScript Objects with many child objects (Client side). My aim is to synchronize all property changes using in relative. Some Properties are dynamically created, so…
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Port Cordova plugin(database API) to Node.Js module?

I am using Couchbase products as a database to develop a suite of applications (mobile, web, desktop) with offline capability. Our app will be a Html + Css + Javascript that should be cross platform. Angular and PhoneGap also used for being able to…
Doru Chiulan
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JXCore packaging, NPM errors

When I compile code with \> jx package bin/www.js myApp \> packaging... \> [OK] compiled file is ready (myApp.jx) it successfully created myApp.jx and myApp.jxp But when I executed command \> jx myApp.jx It gives errors…
Chaitanya Joshi
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3 answers

steps to compile Node.js source into byte code and use it

WE had developed a project in nodejs. Client will distribute/sell the application with their clients, hence I must needed to hide them(compile) rather than delivering source code. please provide me proper steps from beginning to compile them, and…
Chaitanya Joshi
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