Questions tagged [jupyter-irkernel]

An R kernel for Jupyter


126 questions
18 answers

jupyter-client has to be installed but “jupyter kernelspec --version” exited with code 127

I have already installed Jupyter notebook in my ubuntu 16.04 machine. In jupyter notebook there is by default python installed. Now I want to use R from jupyter notebook. To do so I followed IRkernel installation link and run below…
Md Sirajus Salayhin
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2 answers

Using ipython magics in R jupyter notebook?

I installed jupyter with conda install jupyter and am running a notebook with the r kernal installed from conda create -n my-r-env -c r r-essentials I am running a notebook and want to run a bash command from a shell. !echo "hi" Error in parse(text…
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Haskell under Jupyter

The Internet is strangely absent of instructions on how to get Haskell running under the Jupyter environment. Any documentation that leads you toward this requires you to compile from source, however when attempting to do so, all sorts of build…
Daisha Lynn
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3 answers

Unable to load IRKernel in Jupyter notebook

I'm pretty new to the forum, so I'm sorry if this question has already been answered. I looked around, and although I saw that some had similar issues, I couldn't find the solution to my problem on any previous posts. So - here goes... I'm running…
A. Vislova
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2 answers

jupyter notebook and github.

I have made a jupyter notebook and want to commit and push on github. I have windows operating system and never worked on github. Can anyone please help me out about how can I do it from scratch?
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Display Images from file in R Jupyter notebook

I have an image on disk and want to display it in a markdown cell in an R Jupyter Notebook. How can I go about this? I know with Python this as simple as importing the Image class from display.
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How to solve the ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'prompt_toolkit.formatted_text' in Jupyter Notebook inside the Pycharm IDE?

I am using Pycharm 2018.2 version in ubuntu 18.04 and I am trying to use the JupyterNoteBook inside the pycharm it's been loading and creating a new notebook. But the cell in the Jupyter always shows busy and it throws some error like…
Bhavani K
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2 answers

r graphs in jupyter - unable to start png() device

I am using R in Jupyter, but unable to plot graphs in the notebook itself. Here is a reproducible example set.seed(123) mat = as.matrix(x = rnorm(100), y = rnorm(100)) plot(mat) In Jupyter: Error in png(tf, width, height, "in", pointsize, bg,…
Gaurav Singhal
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0 answers

Increase size of rleaflet map in Jupyter Lab display (R in Jupyter)

When using R and rleaflet in a Jupyter Lab Notebook. My output map is short and wide with a vertical scroll box, and I can find no means of increasing it's height. # Code to reproduce library(leaflet) m = leaflet() %>% addTiles() m results in:
Colin Talbert
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1 answer

Using Vi Keys in a Jupyter Console

I would like to know how to use vi-like key bindings in a Jupyter console -- not just with ipython, but with any kernel. Previous answers show this is possible for ipython. So, perhaps there is some flag or config file where this can be specified.…
Joe Shields
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Can Jupyter run a separate R notebook from within a Python notebook?

I have a Jupyter notebook (python3) which is a batch job -- it runs three separate python3 notebooks using %run. I want to invoke a fourth Jupyter R-kernel notebook from my batch. Is there a way to execute an external R notebook from a Python…
0 answers

Use python in R-kernel Jupyter

I am using the IRKernel in a Jupyter notebook but I want to run some Python cells. I have seen examples to run R code while using the Python kernel in Jupyter, i.e. %load_ext rpy2.ipython %R require(ggplot2) Is there a way to do the reverse?…
j sad
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1 answer

How to restart the server in jupyter hub through command line?

I have an instance of Jupyter running in Jupyter hub where there was an option to start/restart server as shown below: I then changed the theme using the command jt -t Now, I can't see the option to stop and restart my server in my…
2 answers

Map keyboard shortcut to code snippet in Jupyter Lab

Does anyone know if there a way to bind a code snippet to a keyboard shortcut in Jupyter Lab? For example in R Studio you can use Ctrl+Shift+M to write the pipe operator (%>%) quickly and I got used to that functionality so I would like to replicate…
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Error in if (download_method_secure()) from installing native R kernel for Jupyter

I tried to install R Kernel to my Jupyter notebook on Windows from devtools::install_github('IRkernel/IRkernel') but I ran into this error Error in if (download_method_secure()) { : missing value where TRUE/FALSE needed Any suggestions on how to…
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