Questions tagged [jump-list]

A jump list represents a list of items and tasks displayed as a menu on a taskbar button in Windows 7 or later.

A jump list in Windows 7 or later displays a list of items when right clicking on a taskbar button. The list can display recent items, pinned items, or tasks as defined by the application.

In C# it can be implemented using the JumpList which contains JumpItems, either JumpPath or JumpTasks. The JumpList class is described at MSDN as:

Represents a list of items and tasks displayed as a menu on a Windows 7 taskbar button.

Source: MSDN

111 questions
0 answers

How to add "Last used documents" to a WPF programms tray symbol (not icon) programatically?

I want to provide a list of "last used documents" to the bigger tray icon (not notification icons) of my application. As shortcut to the user, similar to like Keypass or Microsoft Word do it when right clicking on it's tray icon if the application…
Patrick Artner
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2 answers

.Net 4 JumpTask disable "Remove from this list"

I am using jumplists in .NET 4, so far I got it working fine, but I cannot make a JumpTask read only so a user cannot remove the task from the jump list. I want to remove the Pin to List and Remove from this list options. I cannot figure out how.…
Robert Baker
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1 answer

Jumping to content location of a different page with ASP.NET

Does anyone know how to jump to the content location from a href link on another page in ASP? I understand the anchor concept shown below, but this only works with html not ASP. link
1 answer

How to add a jumplist to a UWP Windows 10 app – written in JavaScript

I write Windows 10 Apps in JavaScript and know, there are some limitations. If I look at the documentation for jumplists, Microsoft just writes »For information about creating or accessing this object, see Remarks.« for JavaScript and only gives…
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1 answer

Visual Studio 2015 Jump List Icons Missing

I am not sure how this happened, but I can't find a fix from searching the interwebs. All of a sudden my Jump Lists for VS2015 (other programs work fine) show the generic icon. Has anybody ran across this and know a fix? FWIW I am running Windows 10…
Mr. Young
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1 answer

Problem showing thumbnail toolbar in .net 3.5 form

I am usign WindowsApiCodePack for windows 7 to make a thumbnail toolbar for my form. In the form shown event i am doing this: tbButton1 = new ThumbnailToolbarButton(new Icon("myOverlayIcn.ico"), "Next Event"); tbButton1.Click += new…
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0 answers

Add items to a pinned shortcuts jumplist

I'm looking for an extension to this script (or maybe another one... not 100% sure where I got the script I'm using): '* File: PinItem.vbs '* Date: 03/04/2009 '* Version: 1.0.2 '* Main Function: VBScipt to pin an item to…
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0 answers

How to get the recent items from the JumpList?

I'm using the Windows API Code pack to create a list of recent documents that are displayed in the jump list. It's working nice. I use this code to create entries: JumpTask jumpTask = new JumpTask() { Title = "RecentTest", Desciption = "...", …
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1 answer

How to add recently open documents to the OpenRecent menu items in WPF

I had develop an Wpf application which open an .doc file and doing some operations. Now I want to add open recent feature in menu items which shows the list of recently opened document. Now there is a wpf class called jump list but I do not…
Sowvik Roy
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0 answers

How to get larger jumplist in Start Menu for long filenames

I'm using Windows 7 Professional x64 and I have been trying to increase the width of the Start Menu for the jumplist without any success. The problem is, I work with several files that have similar names, then when I pin these files to the jumplist…
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1 answer

Windows Phone Jump List With Fixed Color

I'm trying to create a group sorted long list selector for a windows phone 8 app and I need it's color to be fixed, to mach the app's color theme... I'm being able to set the background color with no problem, but what is happening is that the…
0 answers

toolkit:LongListSelector JumpList not jumping

I have a problem with my LongListSelector: The Jumplist ist not working properly. When a MenuItem is clicked, the JumpList opens correctly. But when afterwards a header is tapped, the LongListSelector does not jump to the correct position. Instead,…
Florian Moser
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2 answers

Taskmanager Icon Options

When you right-click the Skype icon in the taskbar while Skype is running, it has a little group in the "CloseWindow" popup thing titled Tasks, which contains options to sign out or quit Skype. How would I go about doing this in C#? Thanks.
Toby Person
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2 answers

How to add Windows 7 Jump Lists to a application

I want to add custom jump list entries to my application in Windows 7. The menus I am referring to are the following. Pin a application to the taskbar. Now right click on the application. Some applications like windows media player etc. have…
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1 answer

.NET Windows 7 Jumplist - Checkbox / Radio Jumplist Item

I would like to create a jumplist item that functions with a tick or round checkmark in front of the option. I am using the Windows API Code Pack for the .NET implementation. I have had a look around the SDK documentation but I couldn't find…
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