Questions tagged [jquery-ui-accordion]

Accordion widget from jquery-ui that displays collapsible content panels for presenting information in a limited amount of space.

An accordion widget that is a part of the jQuery-ui library.


SO Quick Start Snippet

$(function() {
<script src=""></script>
<link rel="stylesheet" href="//">
<script src=""></script>

<div id="accordion">
  <h3>Section 1</h3>
  <div>Mauris mauris ante, blandit et, ultrices a, suscipit eget, quam. Integer ut neque. Vivamus nisi metus, molestie vel, gravida in, condimentum sit amet, nunc. Nam a nibh. Donec suscipit eros. Nam mi. Proin viverra leo ut odio. Curabitur malesuada. Vestibulum a velit eu ante scelerisque vulputate.</div>
  <h3>Section 2</h3>
  <div>Sed non urna. Donec et ante. Phasellus eu ligula. Vestibulum sit amet purus. Vivamus hendrerit, dolor at aliquet laoreet, mauris turpis porttitor velit, faucibus interdum tellus libero ac justo. Vivamus non quam. In suscipit faucibus urna.</div>
  <h3>Section 3</h3>
  <div>Nam enim risus, molestie et, porta ac, aliquam ac, risus. Quisque lobortis. Phasellus pellentesque purus in massa. Aenean in pede. Phasellus ac libero ac tellus pellentesque semper. Sed ac felis. Sed commodo, magna quis lacinia ornare, quam ante aliquam nisi, eu iaculis leo purus venenatis dui.</div>

997 questions
2 answers

Jquery Accordeon Multi Level Menu not showing submenus

Im working on a multilevel accordeon menu using Jquery. Everything works fine when toggle the first submenu but when i have one more level of submenus they don't show up / don't do anything. Im pretty sure it's because of something im not doing quit…
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2 answers

jQuery Accordion arrow icons with seperate close button

I've got an accordion with arrow icons indicating when a section is open and closed. Once the accordion is opened the arrow points down showing the content below it. However I've created a close button that gets appended into each section. This…
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1 answer

How i can make Jquery Accordion Plugin work in IE7?

I'm using the JQuery UI Accordion Plugin in my website, linking the version 1.10.3 of JQuery and it works fine in Chrome 31, Firefox 26.0 and IE 11, but i can't find out how make to it work in IE7. I did check many times that the file is correctly…
2 answers

Unable to check/uncheck radio button inside accordion widget

I am unable to check/uncheck a radio button inside Accordion widget. Here is my code:
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1 answer

Spacer between panels in jQuery Accordion

I have a small requirement that has eluded me... Using jQuery Accordion (version 1.10.2) Is there a way to put a spacer between the sections of the accordion? Basically what the owner wants is the default functionality of the accordion as it is, but…
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1 answer

Jquery Accordion Form Wrap

My Jquery accordion form works perfectly unless i pull the tag around the whole box. The idea was to separate the forms because there will be a lot of information to collect. (Working version with Form tag…
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1 answer

fancybox rel="group" don't work

Demo: Page URL We have integrated fancybox and jquery accordion on our side and it works. Our challenge is that we want our accordion box to stay open when you click on the photo and fancybox opens. It seems to work now, except that our own script…
A. Seierup
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1 answer

customize jquery accordion

I'm new to jQuery UI and I just started with an accordion example. I want to place an image or icon in the title next to the title text. Can someone please let me know how to do it?
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1 answer

JQuery Accordion Tabs + Datatables

If you have a Datatable (with sortable table headers) inside of a JQuery Accordion tab, what is the best way to simulate clicking a specific table header the moment the user opens the Accordion tab to view your table? Since the Datatable's width and…
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1 answer

Using jquery how to drop down a menu items on-click?

In One of my webpage i need to show a side-menu it want to drop-down when user click it how to achieve it using jquery
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0 answers

Wordpress Accordion doesn't work in woocommerce product page - Works on this link - Copied the HTML code and added When I checked the flow, the document.ready function in the…
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3 answers

Wordpress accordion menu dont work properly

I have the following page with the WPBakery plugin that has the Accordion menu for FAQs in the middle of the page. All those menus are made to be closed, but for some reason, they are not, and the option to…
Boris Zegarac
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2 answers

How to fix this jquery code accordion with 3 level?

I make this accordion with 2 levels. But I need to make it 3 levels . I tried many time but not working. I wonder to know how to fix this jQuery code, cheers. This is for 2 levels jQuery code Jsfiddle Here :…
1 answer

Open an accordion item from an anchor tag in an external page

The accordion that is functioning is built-in shortcode within a WP theme. I have regular old anchors on an external page that link to this main page with several terms/definitions inside the accordion. I'd like the anchor tag to not only take the…
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1 answer

Collapse all accordins on page load - jQuery

I am using jQuery accordions.

section one

Mauris mauris ante, blandit et, ultrices a, suscipit eget, quam. Integer ut neque. Vivamus nisi metus, molestie vel, gravida in, condimentum sit amet,…

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